
So now they're the Edskins? You meant Dan Gilbert.

Soooooo sad when we didn't see them defeat the Underminer

It's like they're running out of things to oppose because of teh gayz now.

I just barely pulled back from saying that, because 1. it does sound a bit melodramatic, and 2. It actually may be an understatement. Spot on with the comparison to the 1958 NFL Championship game.

At a certain point during the game, it really truly seemed like the (I loathe using this term, but this time it fits) narrative that the USMNT had weathered the storm, had taken the worst of it and were still in it. Howard had clearly gotten in the Belgian's heads, they looked tentative and were probing for the

Almost hard to believe that didn't work...

Wait, I'm sorry, so you're saying there's a "has rings" exception clause in the unwritten rules? That actually makes them dumber, which I assumed was impossible.

Yeah, I was psyched a few years back too, but then Derrick chose #1 instead of #5 and I had been suckered in by that one stretch with Jalen...

Wasn't there also some cheesy brass band too? Because you know, for kids!

It's a reach, but I liked it.

Yes, please continue arguing about the best IPAs so we make sure that you're all leaving the actual good beers for the rest of us who value a flavor other than hops. (sorry, just trolling, though I am truly sick of all the fking IPAs and "hop bombs" and quintuple IPAs. I know, I know, "I don't like a thing so you

Hey, thanks.

2nd one below the president is Fountain Square in Cincinnati...

I love this an unhealthy amount.

Ignorant monolingual 'murican question here: watching the Univision feed, what does he mean when it sounds like he's saying "jay jay jay"?

She "admitted it?" Wow, apparently she's a public health researcher now? Man, that show really does change people's lives.

Fancy little straw man you've built yourself there. Too bad it's nonsense.

Except there's no actual evidence that what Frederickson is unhealthy. Nice try, though.

TLDR: I don't like a thing so YOU shouldn't like a thing.

Oh, totally agree. I'm relieved it's finally here, and frankly I wish American football would take a lesson. I'm just a cynical bastard.