
Tell me, what color is the sun in your world?You don't think Skip Bayless and every one of his ilk are champing at the fucking bit to slap the "troublemaker" label on them because they turned their shirts inside out? Much less if they did something more "meaningful?"

alienate your employer (while possibly making yourself less employable and sacrifice part of your salary in order to make a "strong statement" that will probably do nothing. Pretty brave of you to call them out from your sofa.

you first

I got suckered in 4-5 years in a row...designated driver even most of the time. It was awful (I hate the music), but I traded those chips in for plenty of Blackhawks/Monday Night Football/"big game" nights at me local.

I have two, and maybe each one taken individually is kind of meh, but these happened within seconds of each other:

It's also worth mentioning that the wedding-industrial complex has some pretty serious blood on its hands in this regard.

We prefer the term "refugees," but the UN doesn't recognize them as such yet, so there's not much we can do but troll them about how overrated Ann Arbor is.

Or Chicagoans lying to a pollster to keep you dirty New Yorkers from getting any funny ideas. (I kid, I's to keep the escapees from Michigan out)

To that end, Trader Joes has a store brand bourbon for (I think) $12. It's basic, no frills, making it an ideal candidate.

Did not see that coming...well played.

My wife's friend's husband slit open two giant vanilla bean pods, put them in a handle of Smirnoff and left it in the freezer for 6 months. Don't know if he used a mesh strainer or cheesecloth to strain it, but the stuff was the color of weak coffee and tasted like ice cream.

True story: last New Year's Eve (meaning the one ringing in 2013), we decided to skip the $3 bottle of champagne the bar was passing around and do a shot instead. We made the mistake of letting our buddy pick the shot. He picked Effen Cucumber. It was (imho) vile. No big deal, we drowned it out with plenty of other


Bowling seems like the more likely winner for amateur vs pro...if they oil the lanes right, higher scores are virtually guaranteed. And with an upper limit on thegame score, the margin of error for the pros becomes smaller. One bad kick for the pros, and that 7-10 stares at you like the gates of hell...

It wasn't after the Open, it was between rounds 3 and 4. God I love that movie.

Remember, by the logic of Chik Fil A and Duck Dynasty, all people, especially conservatives, MUST BUY their products or it's a violation of Honey Maid's "1st Amendment" rights.

It's a market argument. I'm not an economist, so there's jargon I'm not gonna bother to look up, but basically any goober can do what the dude at Amazon does. Not many people can do what (insert college athlete here, I don't really watch college sports much) does.

I'd go "clean your balls with his toothbrush." Then show him a time stamped video of it a month later.

This will undoubtedly get lost in a sea of other comments, but our mantra when planning (even on a fairly tight budget) was "don't save $5."

Is that a selfie stick, or are you just happy to see me?