
Curious number of Shitavious Cook and Poopa Dweck votes coming from Chicago at 5 am...

What makes this comment art is the implied emphasis on "independently." +many

Let's not forget, in Rand Paul's America this is JUST FINE because "the market" would ensure that the bar would probably be out of business soon anyway.

Best Fans in Raceball. Dammit, Raceball. Fuck, I meant to say Raceball!

It's a better (sorry, "better") strategy for Duck Dynasty than for Chik-Fil-A, because these things tend to be a short-term gain but a long-term loss. I assume that the Robertson family is savvy enough to realize that they are at about 14:45 and ticking, so one last ratings goose, one last round of fauxtrage to sell

I...I just beg of you...please, as an alum of NU...BEGGING...please take down the picture of the blood spatter uniforms. Just. So. Bad.

If your logic is to be followed (and it is), spiking the ball, handing the ball to a pediatric cancer patient in the front row, and dropping the ball innocently would all qualify as using the ball as a prop and thus a penalty. Also, don't make a show out of handing the ball to the official. There is almost literally

Nutty Bars will not be disrespected like this. I subsisted mainly on Nutty Bars in college. I was a very, very fat person. But it's ok, because Nutty Bars are love.

You didn't answer the question...was he MEGA-Fouled?!?!?!

(Mega-fouled? Is that how it works? 'That's a foul' 'Overruled' 'Oh no, we mean it's a mega-foul' 'Oh, mega-foul? Well, then I should take some time to reconsider'')

But it was GRITTY! and TOUGH! and ONIONS! when he took one step on the other side of half court, tucked the ball in like a running back, took three more steps, barreled into two defenders with no hope of getting a foul called, then took another step, then launched himself sideways while heaving the ball in the

Absolutely, why should Georgia have all the fun? The hilarious thing is that the guy who owns the little company I work for brought around all kinds of fliers for the last guy, and put signs up in our windows. Can't wait to see what he does this time.

9th Districter here (the fightin' 9th!) The dude that got the GOP nomination last time was a perfectly legit, dare-I-say moderate sounding old white guy. He got like 25% of the vote. The love child of Ronald Reagan and Jesus Christ might not crack 30% if he had an "R" by his name.

Yeah sure, like the "cameramen" and "producer" are real people.

Not necessarily in defense of this, but it's possible they want/need the john's cooperation to nail the pimp/trafficker.

Well. Fucking. Played.

shutupshutupshutup...we've just got to raise enough questions so the assholes picking ahead of the Bears decide he's too risky.

(Not realistic, but still...)

Well, if reading their names off the tattoo on my arm through the X out and RIP strike-throughs counts, sure, I can name all my ex-bosses.

Um, said a guy who's not me.

Ok, so is there any tin-foil hat level room for a "hmmm, what a coincidence that it wasn't until Stern left that someone would sign the first openly gay player..."

Genuinely asking, I don't follow the machinations of the NBA league office at all.

premature USA/Canada shit-talk goes below

Dude, Alabama is NOT in Eurpoe.