
Also, Jack Kemp, legit NFL player, ran for VP. And Jim Bunning was a Senator for a crapload of years.

So that's why the rest of the commercial featured Tom Zbikowski, Luke Harangody and Rocket Ismail.

That's just absolutely perfect.


Ok, I agree that's crazy to cancel it, but when it comes to preparing the place beforehand, you kind of get what you pay for. There are times when circumstances prevent us doing much pre-straightening (read: we forgot it was Thursday), but those are definitely the times we're least satisfied with the end result.

What he said...we keep it up even when we can barely afford it, because a) again, what he said, you're giving someone else work and b) our service, at least, does a way better job than I ever did.

Maybe a little meta, but we allow ourselves the luxury of biweekly visits from the cleaning service. In theory, it's great. But while they do an awesome job of changing sheets and vacuuming and dusting, they don't do the picking up (and why would they? They don't know where shit goes).

Nice job by the actual weather guy, though.

Right, that's why they interview players for hours on end, trying to goad them. Or why they do background checks that'd make the CIA blush.

Hmmm, all I got back from them was an old "Mammy" doll...weird.

Might be ever so slightly off topic, but do any of us believe the whole "I was duped" angle that's being pushed on the WWL right now?

I have to say, snarky though my description of BeIN was, I enjoyed watching a USMNT game with them once, and they always seem to have a good production values. Not familiar with the announcers, because, well, it's on in a bar, and if there's any sound it's either the terrible jukebox or the sound of whatever Chicago

Just as impressive...three separate camera angles, and all three nailed the entire play. You can clearly see the whole play from each angle. Well done, soccer-focused-network-that's-only-ever-on-in-my-local-pub, well done.

More that the same shirt/pant combo, just with a sweater replacing the jacket and tie? Is it possible he only owns one pair of pants?

I remember that play from 04, because it was the day after Thanksgiving, and I was watching with my dad and my father-in-law. They must've argued for 45 minutes about what was really called, and whether they screwed it up or not. I just went into the other room and Googled the damned thing, then sat there in smug

I caught that one too. You can almost envision him looking both ways after he wrote that, and seeing no disagreement from the people around him, shrugging his shoulders inside his ill-fitting sports coat and continuing on, secure in the knowledge that the editor of the prestigious "Best American Sports Writing" had

I worked for a company that made those little books with the sound buttons. Never mind the fact that zero effort was put into the actual, you know, story and, like words and stuff, those things got half-assed nine ways to Sunday and practically sold by the ton. Jesus, that place was awful.

First gay president...According to some, James Buchanan was almost certainly gay. So there you go.

1. The Amendolas (Joe, Danny)

I saw hurling on Wide World of Sports or some shit back when I was like 8 (late '70s). I remember because my mom had just had surgery and was coming home from the hospital, and was all groggy and drugged up. My dad was trying to get her into bed and make her comfortable and get her to eat something and all that, so he