
Hey, don't you dare insult the wise and reasonable Dr. Paul, he's going to rgvvjehgisuehv liberty and bvvasiddifugbsdasd constitution and frsxxxxxxxzzzzz federal reserve.

All of the They Might Be Giants children's albums are completely tolerable, if you're the kind of person who finds They Might Be Giants tolerable, which I do.

Me neither, just trolling.

An NESCAC grad would know it's "fewer" games, not "less."

I notice that when I'm at a hotel bar while traveling for work, I'm way more likely to strike up a conversation with a stranger. That's not like me at all. Sometimes it's because I can reasonably assume we're all in the hotel for the same conference, but not always. Just think, not much chance you'll see any of them

Yep. Four years ago or so. Lost roughly 80-85 pounds (from 285 or so down to 200). Was hard as hell at first, had to keep myself motivated by things like bets with my family (racing my dad to 20 lbs lost, etc). Once I got going, it got easier.

In better news, some lucky bastard in Guatemala has got a million bucks to go with his lucky 2008 Patriots 19-0 shirt.

I was actually disappointed that no laser beams came out of the eagle's head at the end.

Not sure if this is a rule change or just a procedural change. Every time a team makes a first down, unless it's inside the ten, the ball is moved backward to the nearest yard line. The benefit? No more f'ing measurements. Did the ball make it to the 32 yard line? It did, just a little over it? First down, now set

Air Ore Grievances

As an NU alum, I'm deeply offended. You forgot to mention that it was windshield wiper fluid in a hybrid.

Is it because I've been too busy paying attention to Deadspin, or did the WWL just go to commercial for the first time in like an hour just now?

Not allowed, sir. Not. Allowed.

"Oh, we heard you Joe. Trust us, we still had 43 seconds to spare"

As another Bengals fan (hey, there's two!), I can field this question. I don't know a single Bengals fan that didn't think that Dalton wouldn't just be holding down the fort for Andrew Luck. Total freaking surprise.

I'm gonna go with "all of them, plus a few new ones"

First Boston Johnny gets voted off of "The Biggest Loser" and now this. Masshole Massacre? Masshole Massacre.

Do I wipe away the solitary tear before or after I start the slow clap?

I vividly remember the video on the top left (woman in gray dress sitting on the dude's lap). My boss e-mailed it to me back in about 1998 (trust us, kids, it was different back then) after I walked in on her watching it. I must have watched that thing 500 times.

If I'm on the phone at work, and the woman on the line has a southern accent, I almost never picture her...well, looking like she (statistically speaking) probably does.