
I spent some time in Moscow about 5-6 years ago, and one of the brands I enjoyed is now available here, Russian Standard. Might make a nice change of pace, but agreed that Stoli is fine for mixed drinks.

Drew, I couldn't agree more. But I'll try.

My hat is off to you, sir, for reelz. Hang in there, stay strong, etc. etc. I've only got one.

Can someone who knows anything about lacrosse tell me where the hell the other team's keeper was?

I think so, Brain, but you know burlap chafes me...

Sonofa...somebody get to Colorado with a generator and some golf analogies. THAT WAS NO ROBOT, YOU FOOL!!!

Much as I hate to say it, isn't this where Simmons has a point? Thanks in large part to all the statistical analysis that's out there, everyone feels the need to inoculate themselves from criticism by saying "hey, whoa, I don't really know anything here," whereas I think we'd all be willing to tell you our Super Bowl

That is outstanding.

And see, Ursa, that brings me back from the brink most times. I was 7 when the first (IVth) movie came out, so I remember nothing but just a cavalcade of awesomeness raining down on me with lasers and lightsabers and holy fuck is Darth Vader scary.

That's part of it, but honest to God, I said the exact same thing about it when I walked out of the theater. Plus, the whole "inserting him into actual footage with historical figures" thing seemed derivative of Zelig.

Especially when it essentially invalidates all the mystery that is built up around it in the original trilogy, which occurs something like 50 years later. It's as though we cured the common cold in 1977, and then in 2027 were marveling at the "magical nose sickness" that has been bestowed upon us by the almight...wait

Forrest Motherfucking Gump. I not only get angry that this movie beat out so many better movies for Best Picture, but it fills me with rage every time I flip past it on cable. Not 100% sure why, but I'm pretty sure it's because I see the message of the film as "Hey, it doesn't matter how god-awfully dim you are, or

Oh thank god, I was actually sitting at my desk today worried that you were getting shitcanned right that minute, despite the fact that I have no idea who you are (that's not true, I'm a big fan of your work here).

Sorry, I have to.

First, and most of all...don't go the "I never liked that bitch anyway" route, whatever you do. There are many reasons for this, most of which are obvious. They may reconcile. She's still the mother of their child. She may continue to be involved in your family in some way. She may be brutally murdered over unpaid

@FavreFAIL: Hicks, and nobody is 2nd. He's been gone 15 years, and he's no less relevant today.

Then State-senator Barack H. Obama

Sure, on the one hand, fuck this whiny little pipsqueak.