Bill S. Preston Esq.

I felt a great disturbance in the force, as if millions of Cardinals fans cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear we’ll never learn which lives matter.

“How much money is that former UConn guy making, anyway?”

Chef: MY MOM

What happened to the long threads discussing the initial article? Were they actually removed? Because, seriously, if comments pointing out that the first Winslow article was horribly researched and pretty much wholly wrong is a bad thing, then having an expectation of journalistic integrity from this site is wrong. So

Harriet and Carl just couldn’t keep this one under control.

*Kristin #howsoontheyforget #spon

It’s like if AWESOM-O came up with NBA trade scenarios instead of Adam Sandler movies.

If LeBron’s goal was just to beat expectations by joining the shittiest team possible and making them less shitty, why would he ever leave Cleveland?

“He .... has been wearing a soft cast.”

“Joke’s on them! Check out my awesome parking spot now”

I’m pretty sure they make more than $130K.

Running kills. Eat Arby’s.

The lesson, as always: Never run.

At least she was smart enough not to say ‘over my dead body.’

She french fries the entire way down. I watched three times just to be sure. Doesn’t pizza even once. This woman should be on a stamp.

Since the American team is, well, good, she initially competed for her mother’s native Venezuela, before switching her allegiance and representing Hungary...

Sidney Crosby Is A Genius

Further proof came tonight that, love him or hate him, Sidney Crosby is a modern hockey deity. In Pittsburgh’s

It creates a truly authentic NFL experience when the fans can get CTE as well.

Yes yes yes

+1 MY name is Clarence.