Bill S. Preston Esq.

Can I get a Deadspin HoF ballot for Dale Hansen and only Dale Hansen?

Tom, should you focus on his penis when his balls are the real story? I understand the confusion since there’s not a vas deferens between the two.

This is a shame. I really liked D.C.

Well at least they don’t have autism, right?

“People in the drive-thru ask if I’m JaMarcus Russell. I tell them no, then tell them yes as they drive off.”

Justin Blackmon made this same video, but instead of a PSA it’s a segment from the next season of MTV Cribs.

wow Anna why is gawker so biased in favor of facts and science and medical research

Well Costas was wrong. Obviously a major leaguer named Pedro would have been directing blasphemy towards Jobu after a shitty performance.

This is one Benoit that won’t be hanging from the rafters someday.

Lock him and Marlins Guy in a room and tell them you’re not opening the door until one of them is dead. Then shoot whichever one comes out.

Not shown: Josh Hamilton trying to snort the sawdust.

Blatter and his cronies make Ricky and Julian look like Professor Moriarty.

“You ain’t no real nigga. You a white boy, you preppy, you rich boy.”

300lbs? Did they weigh him on the moon?


I can't see any way to relieve the pressure on Blatter unless he goes.

Why does everyone want to legalize weed? Weed is boring. Cocaine is the most fun drug of them all.

Another tall guy dunks in the nba. Yawn. Wake me when something remarkable happens, like an eldest son of a right-wing Christian family diddles his sisters...

She's apparently doesn't like C. Ling Phan.