Bill S. Preston Esq.

I went to a swap meet where a booth had a guy that specialized in retro modded radios so if someone wanted it to look original but still have some of the modern comforts they could. He claimed he would custom build them and it was pretty neat.

Actually, it is a thing. A defendant can be “partially indigent” meaning they were able to hire an attorney but have no remaining funds to assist their defense and can petition the court to provide funds for such things as private investigators, DNA testing, psychological evaluations, etc.

There was a Lambo up for auction and all the commenters seemed to know it had previous damage that the seller didn’t know about even though the commenters identified the previous owner and accident that caused the damage. It was a wild read in the comments and it came off as if the seller had been mislead prior to

The difference is, you have nine people who sit on the highest court in the land, who are there for life. . .”

Spanfeller had to show you how it spelled KIA? Bummer dude.

they know a form of “bated” but not the one you’re referring to!

My thought on his reasoning for the question was this:

I feel like whoever buys this will have to register it with 2 agencies...

At that price it’s like “little deuce coupe.....I know what I got.” ND

I’m both excited and terrified to read this book. 

Nah. A confession or mirandized/under oath contradiction is alway sought after to help finish nailing the coffin. 

I swear to God, Zach, if I found out you hit her, you’re done.”

I know she was trying to help, because Pac-Man has been in a ton of trouble and is on thin ice with the NFL, but grabbing someone’s arm and trying to break up a fight when the other guy is charging is a real easy way to catch an accidental punch, or let the person you don’t want fighting, to get knocked out. 

Can Boogie come too?

You do also realize that the amount of money the game they play brings in far more to the university than it compensates the players for right? That’s the issue. The NCAA makes a ridiculous profit while insisting the players only get scholarships.

Someone also referenced this movie on the Espn article comments and not everyone got the joke and it’s hilarious.

Yes because Scott Frost only took the Nebraska job because it’s a cash grab.

It’s to help people believe that the athletes are students. That’s where school goes.

I thought in Jersey the dad just takes the coach to his titty bar and gives him a big screen tv. And if that doesn’t work, steal his dog and have his nephew return it.

I knew he had one grand slam left in him!