Bill S. Preston Esq.

But you took the time to register an account on a sports fan site to call people stupid for caring about athletes personal lives. That is actually more pathetic.

I wish there was a streaming service where if a movie had ridiculously shitty reviews, or is universally recognized as a shitty movie, it is automatically included to watch with your subscription. That way, people who enjoy sitting through terrible movies for the sake of doing such a thing could find a majority of

"whoever else you might want to name" is not actually the name of a fighter. It's saying you can name someone you may feel was left out. They didn't forget about Fedor, they just said it was up to you to name him. So good job!

meth is never the answer.

Was this fella suggesting a solution, or trying to illustrate the problem?

Doug Gottlieb just found his dream girl.

The Lego Movie not getting nominated for best animated picture

That's the kind of shit that caused this problem in the first place. Oh his head hurts? What a pussy.

Maybe they belong to the same Union as the NYPD.

Is he saying "hosers" or "losers"?

Good to see Jean Claude Van Damme from the Street Fighter movie take control around the :20 second mark.

I have a feeling that after a few years his employer will get tired of him constantly breaking cameras and let him go.

"I'm gettin too endangered for this shit!"

When did Sony hire the Awesome-O 4000?

I mean, the struggle is real for Doug. He had to steal a credit card just to get through college!

I would argue Matt Stone and Trey Parker were in more danger than Rogen and Franco are/will be.

Hot take.

But Bowlsby could have applied for a waiver. Someone on another site pointed this out, I don't know how true it is.

But the big 12 could have endorsed one champion instead of calling them co-champs when there are tie breakers in place.

Still the 5th most wins of college football programs ever. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and hell you might be right. But I'm still gonna be a fan and probably have too high of standards.