Bill S. Preston Esq.

So you would want a coach at your program that never wins a conference title and the one time he plays for one gets blown out 70-31? You would want a coach that for one week (thankfully not any longer) fielded a team that gave up the most yards to a running back in a game in college football history? I am

As a Nebraska fan, I understand the players are upset. Bo did a lot of good things but I too think it was time to move on. And if they are upset, fine. But I would rather have a team full of players who want to be Huskers, not just play for a certain coach.

This is Alabama. I think you mean meth.

I'm watching the simulcast during halftime, and a caller just said he would meet Marcus Spears to dole out an "asswhoopin." This is quality television.

"How would you like to talk to that every day?" was a pretty sick, yet subtle burn.

Ray Ray don't lose no appeals.

You type of people are just the worst. Do you really think there is anyone who will read this story on deadspin and think it's a legitimate sport where the outcome is undecided until the end? Jesus. We all know, but we enjoy it for the theatrics and athleticism. It isn't a real sport, but gee, Grantland covers pro

That was a good listen. But it's a little scary to hear how much the wwe didn't care, especially about his staph infection. Glad he is happier now.

I was watching this and wondered what the hell was going on. I was even more confused when it looked like the ref was trying to apologize to him.

Mr. Burneko, do you post recipes with the amounts and times anywhere? I suck at cooking bad enough without trying to guess how much!

I just watched this yesterday, and told a friend it had a lot of good guesses on technology. The flat screen tv in Arnold's apartment, the full body scanners he has to walk past, the gps (up his nose lol) and we are moving toward the self driving taxis. Not bad. Not bad at all.

Monster trucks are pretty rad though.

Probably drivers license photo

If you can't get your guys to wrap up, especially when Gordon was eating them up like that I think there needs to be discussion about the coaches. But with that being said, on one of Gordon's early runs up the sidelines when Nebraska's defender put his shoulder down and made the hit, I'm pretty sure any other back

I'm a Nebraska fan. Gordon could not be stopped, and kudos to him for getting the record. As for Nebraska, they need to get their house in order cause this game was shameful.

Finally. I have something in common with my favorite two teams. I'm a disgusting unhygienic mess too. Now if only the concessions were cheap I coulda landed the hat trick.

Think he would ever be ok with Nuggets players smoking weed though?

Talking shit about biting an ear sounds like a good way to get your ass kicked by the baddest man on the planet.

The problem is, is that people out there still HATE Gaye's version as well as Hendrix's too. Seriously a couple years back when someone varied from the norm a person wrote a letter to the editor of my small hometown paper to bitch about it. Meanwhile they fail to realize that these guys put more heart and soul into

He calls himself a patriot on his twitter also.