The fastest way to get a bill passed in both houses is if all TSA and Air Traffic Controllers all sick out for 1 day. Within hours we would have a veto proof bill to fund the government. Power to the people.
The fastest way to get a bill passed in both houses is if all TSA and Air Traffic Controllers all sick out for 1 day. Within hours we would have a veto proof bill to fund the government. Power to the people.
The day after the Israeli athletes were murdered in Munich, Brundage, in a speech at a memorial service in the Olympic Stadium, compared the tragedy to Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) being prohibited from participating in those same Olympics. Rhodesia were expelled due to their policy of racial apartheid.
Brundage as IOC head was instrumental in stripping Tommie Smith and John Carlos of their medals during the 1968 Olympics for introducing “politics” into the Games (the USOC only wanted to reprimand them). He was also a diehard supporter of the Nazi regime’s 1936 Olympics (which was nothing but political propaganda) as…
Avery Brundage really is one of the truly evil motherfuckers of the 20th century...
I see a lot of people being awfully cynical here. Meanwhile Tebow, living his best life, is soon going to settle down with a beautiful woman and Nel-Peters is going to have what every woman wants most, sex with a 31 year old virgin.
She-sounds like-a nice-girl. I'm-happy for-them.
Oh yeah man. Nothing screams “more sex” like getting married.
Perfect attendance is the sign of mental disorder. If you think you are that vitally important for your org, you either need to check your ego or the org needs to re-asses its workflow.
Michigan reportedly countered Ohio State’s offer with a two-year extension, which he turned down.
Wait till he finds out that the guy fucked his mom too.
Dan Gilbert authorizing a sketchy and possibly fraudulent financial transaction? Thought I’d never see the day.
how long will the “voice carry” excuse last?
“If I have to see his smiling, triumphant face on The Root one more gatdamm time...”
If I have to see his smiling, triumphant face on The Root one more gatdamm time...
I have a three year old daughter. She never shuts up. Every little thought that even contemplates considering crossing her little unformed mind spills right out of her mouth. Absolutely no thought in her head goes by without her saying it out loud.
Miss Temple’s Chinese buffet, just down the road from Skip Church’s Sunday brunch
Because the other one is better and thus might get you better results?
I'm going to Bovine University!