
He just wanted to make sure he accused Vin Diesel of unprofessional behavior before Jamie Taco got a chance.

It’s going to get exponentially worse if trump is elected and enacts his plan to make all the government scientists and experts political appointees. 

I’m late to the party here but I just wanted to say fuck this asshole and fuck all of these ignorant, hate-filled traitors that worship Trump and believe his lies.

Jay is my name, Insurance is my game. Insurrection was a game I also used to play.


That post filled with things she actually did made you think the poster believes in a conspiracy theory? That's actually crazy 

She and “Larry Bird” where like the only enjoyable aspect of The Neighbors.

This looks like a very iffy proposition, but on the other hand, Toks. Always good to see her in things.

Oh wow - this isn’t half bad, what a surprise. And it has TOKS omg. She was my favorite surprise standout from “The Neighbors” which no one watched, sadly. And she’s a hell of a voice actor. I know she has done and been on lots of other things too. I adore her! Toks Olagundoye is fabulous. 

What, exactly, is stopping that one guy from adding it to his soda?

I get that in some situations that a cop can in fact be scared.

Which is it, manslaughter or murder? Article says both. Victim is still dead in either case, and it sounds like murder to me, but there’s a vast difference in the consequences for the shooter.

Notice how when he turned himself in, he is wearing long sleeves. No longer proud of his cool arm tattoos?

We know how this works. For him to be declared innocent all he has to do is convince the jury he was scared. Doesn’t matter if he was trained to not be scared, or if the reality of the situation was different form how he perceived it. If a cop gets scared and kills someone, it’s justified. That’s how qualified

Even if he had a knife, I would think it would be difficult to legitimately fear for your life given the whole car window being in the way and all.

Biggest gang in the country strikes again.

JFC, man. Aside from “I was scared for my life”, what about your damn partner?

Well, that dude telling him to stop on the tape can kiss his career goodbye, cops hate other cops who tell them to obey the law.

he instead produced a weapon and pointed it at an armed police officer

Amazon dat shit