
Blake Griffin won ROY after missing his first season. After David Robinson was drafted, two entire seasons elapsed, and then he began playing and won ROY.

Utahans are so desperate for accolades and recognition, they give themselves special underwear.

I wouldn’t consider Johnny Football in that “short guy won’t do well in NFL” category.

He was more closely associated with tall boys as I remember.


They’re like the anti-Lions!

Ask any Detroiter, and they’ll probably tell you that U of M grants one superpower to its’ alumnus: the ability to strut around and condescend to everyone that they went to U of M. Ok, two superpowers, in that said U of M grads seem convinced that they went to a school of such prestige, so as to match Harvard or

French’s is easy to find around here (Ontario) since a lot of people switched after Heinz shut down in Leamington and French’s stepped up.

Holy shit, if you can’t trust football coaches & Catholic priests these days who can you trust?

I’m going to take this a step further and declare the Lions the Ass Team of All-Time. Since 1958, only 60 years for those keeping score at home, the Lions have won a TOTAL OF 1 FUCKING PLAYOFF GAME.

I met a good lawyer once; quiet, kept to himself, didn’t disturb anyone.

Further confirming my (irrational) belief that anyone going by the name Rosie/Rose is usually the exact opposite in personality.

this is a good story but what a sham the american academic system is.  how in the world is someone 150k in debt just to prove to a company they can be a middle manager.  everything is broken and black people are hurt the most.  fuck academia.  

Boston fans, please don't ever change. You're a treasure.

So until a couple days ago, he was the head coach of a professional women’s hockey team, a hockey announcer and the VP of a bank?

No. Your soul is removed when you become a prosecutor.

brown and black kids are treating as adults so early on. and even as children, not as human as white children.

More proof that ‘stand your ground’ and other such laws are meant for white people and no one else.

Yup, another butthurt Bostonian. Thanks for proving me right.