
LeBron fucked Torontos wife and made the Raptors watch it 

And fuck your training.  Nothing is going to change their minds if these “educators” thought this was ok in the first place. 

“We are better than this” No, America you are not. Take a look in the mirror.

He is a racist piece of shit and his wife is just a vile

That’s 50% of the joke I was making. Look up the term “paraprosdokian.”

Pictured: Larry Drew

I can’t believe he got stepped over.

Welp, off to L.A.!”

Wow. The Jags are so bad, they’re even having trouble handling the Bills. 

lol, what a piece of shit.

No idea. I learned it from a friend during freshman or sophomore year because a woman I was interested in had bumper stickers all over her car.

I always thought that was a Drew Toothpaste original.

There was a rule I was taught in college (2000-2004) about how to tell immediately if the person you were interested in was crazy.

Can the police PLEASE start profiling people who own cars like that? There’s somebody in our town who has their car and lawn covered with signs like that I wouldn’t be surprised if they would do something similar.

The good table was reserved for your brothers. 

Found Rude Negro’s burner account.

As my dad’s first name, this checks out.

How to spot a problem from a mile away 101: This logo on literally anything. 

“He said something about being a Republican. I (Derek L. Partee) said ‘I am a Republican,’ he said ‘Motherfucker you ain’t shit’