TL;DR: A whole bunch of old people you’ve never met get to decide whether or not you get to chase your dreams.
TL;DR: A whole bunch of old people you’ve never met get to decide whether or not you get to chase your dreams.
It’s stupid that prostitution is illegal. It is simply another way to criminalize women and remove their autonomy from their own bodies.
The overall goal is to punish people for having sex for pleasure, without the purpose of reproduction.
if the goal is a legal, safe, and well-regulated sex work industry
Bitches be Tripi.
Just five days—and two of those days were weekend days—after her appointment as interim president and CEO of USA Gymnastics was announce...
This is the most “white people shit” ever. A couple generations ago, a single drop of Native blood would get you thrown out of the family. Now she wants to “claim” it so she can wear it like a scarf.
You can repeat yourself as often as you like, and you’ll still be wrong.
Wow. Think of what Clevinger would do if Flores did something serious, like insult Morris Day and the Time.
I was in the laundry room of my apartment building when a 5 year old sees me and says “Why you so fat?” It took everything I had to not respond “eating little kids.”
Me: [Gets haircut]
Kid: [Confused] “Daddy, you don’t have hair.”
Me: “And neither will you, you little shit.”
My bosses kid once told him he looked like he was about to “splode with fatness”
Nothing beats a stone faced 4 year old looking at you and simply saying, “Daddy, your belly is getting really big.”
No, hearing that from my dad never caused me to wet myself the way it did when I read that man’s statement.
Okay I know I can be clueless Canadian when it comes to US politics but how the fuck is this guy considered a Democrat especially based on all his other political positions?
He’ll vote for a Democrat to be the Senate Majority Leader. He’ll vote for the Democrats to be in charge of the Senate Committees.
Why are Republicans going to settle for “Republican Lite”? Why are Democrats going to vote for someone who supports a rapist?
And what are they going to do? Not vote for him and lower any chance of the Democrats taking the senate?
Coen Brothers and Wes Anderson both have this effect on me. (Though Wes Anderson’s more recent films are more easily digested than his earlier ones.)
It was supposed to be a nightmare place to work. You might want to hang out with some of the characters (though mostly they were self-serving people doing ugly things to each other), but you were never supposed to think “Man, I’d like to work there!”