
It’s totally believable that they’d do this to avoid Hard Knocks. Jeff Fisher has a history of avoiding distractions from the regular season like preseason TV shows or postseason playoff games.

Is Chris Christie a Notre Dame fan in addition to being a Dallas Cowboys fan? He’s really THAT fucking guy?

Oh no, it’s totally legal, that’s why the can was covered in tape, the referees replaced the ball and there is an article on Deadspin.

Nope, it hasn’t even been “debunked” once.

Since the advent of the modern peer reviewed scientific community, a consensus has been a pretty good indicator that something is either correct, or pretty damn close to correct.

Name one scientific concept that had over 97% support of all scientists in the field post 1950 as unequivocally correct that later was

“I had a erroneous belief but then someone corrected me on a Kinja post and I realized I had been believing lies,” said nobody ever.

I want my MTV.

He’s gonna be pissed if he ends up on the DL and cut from a blister on his little finger...maybe get a blister on his thumb.

You need to take the walk of life and get the hell away from Kinja. +1

Let me tell ya, that guy ain’t dumb.

Pretty sure he's the sultan of swinging a great deal, so don't even worry about it.

You joke, but some people in this country have to work real jobs. You know what my dad did for 40 years? He worked for Rent a Center. He didn’t get to sit back and play agent, he had to move microwave ovens. He had to deliver kitchens...WHOLE, CUSTOM KITCHENS! He had to move refrigerators AND color TVs.

Regardless, though, that giant breeder is a millionaire.

I could only imagine Okung telling agents “that ain’t working”, negotiating this dumb deal and then telling them “that’s the way you do it”. I hope he can avoid dire straits by reaching those incentives early, because once he’s getting money for nothing, he’s released for free.

I mean what am I gonna do...NOT get drunk and dance my ass off to Thriller? Of course I’m going to do that.

This is not merely bringing your kid to work, this is bringing your kid to work every damn day and your kid having a locker in the locker room.

It seems very odd that LaRoche’s reaction would be to retire...guaranteeing that his son would never step foot in that club house again. What message is that sending exactly? Who gets to bring their child to the workplace every single day?

Just give the boy a chocolate bar & be done with it.

If any of my co-workers brought their kid to work every day, I am sure I would be complaining. Occasionally is fine, and sometimes fun. But not every day. I can’t imagine any company or organization that would allow this. Except for Marissa Mayer and Yahoo, and I think her time is limited.

God I hate when parents press their shit kids on you. No one fucking wants them around but you..... Or maybe that’s just my grouchy ass. Get off my lawn!