Betty Fokker

Fox News is onto something. This is clearly the stuff of Greek tragedies.

This is kind of misleading. The women have been given the drug to help keep the babies from getting too big, since big babies can lead to big complications. There is no indication that the doctors are giving the medicine so the babies won't be "fat" later in life. There is no correlation between your weight at birth

I have a friend whose little boy was wearing 4T-5T when he was just two (his daddy happened to be 6'4'' and massive). He was too tired to walk because he was just TWO, but he was definitely a big kid in a stroller. Yet he should walk so other people won't judge if he "should" be in a stroller? Maybe an older kid

LOL!!! I dislike both of them intensely, so your comment fills me with squee.

Never have I been more delighted to be taken in by a hoax. I'm so glad this is NOT happening to the little girl.

That was a wonderful Mother's Day gift to your mom!

I agree! But I am someone who prefers the word "fat" to describe myself ... because fat DOES NOT mean "bad" (lazy/glutton). I'd like to change the perception of the word, rather than the word itself.

With emphasis on the "crazy".

OMG I must be you because I was totally killed by llamas in a past life! :0) I think I'm a few years older than you, because I was a Wesley Crusher defender back in high school & early college. I would defend the character fiercely, arguing that geniuses were often socially inept (it was before Aspie's and whatnot

I have a crush on The Rock. I also have a crush on Wil Wheaton and Hugh Laurie. I am a woman of varied tastes. My biggest crush is on Vin Diesel. I have such a crush on him that I have argued that he is SO a good actor, and I meant it! Now, if I could just find out that all these men find middle-aged,

Actually, overweight people live the longest. You have to have a pretty high BMI before it's an issue. [] However, the stress of dieting and being fat-shamed is definitely bad for you.

More than 95% of all dieters gain the weight back, plus extra. The body adapts to lower calories by slowing metabolism. Dieting "hurts" you more than the fat on your ass. Please see Dr. Linda Bacon's website and her book Health at Every Size [] for the scientific data and scholarly articles to

I bought one of her books to show solidarity, and I really enjoyed it. I have been reading romance/erotica for almost 30 YEARS and if a book can make me flushed, that is some good writing right there. In another article Wendy Apple was bitching and whining that she was getting "backlash" for her attack on

It has indeed changed. I really recommend Susan Bordo's book Unbearable Weight. It does an awesome job explaining this shift and why.

I cannot imagine the heartbreak of losing so many children ...


I sincerely hope they nail all the men for rape, since they committed sexual assault by "sharing" her private sexuality without her consent. Also, are her fellow female recruits too stupid to see that it could have been any one of the if them! If the guy who they slept with only wanted to exert a misogynistic revenge

I'm almost 40, have three kids, and actually enjoy sex with my husband (when we can get it!). The important part, in my opinion, is that my Sweet Babou, unlike Ms. Jones' husband, can find a freaking clitoris. Also, he is best buds with my vibrator and we have threesomes all the time. Perhaps it is because he is not

Okay, I'm going to be unpopular, but there are facts needed here. Please see Dr. Linda Bacon's website [] for more details. Overweight people live LONGER than normal weight, underweight, and obese individuals. If this were REALLY about health then they would bring back PE, healthier school room

I'm not saying that I would adore you and be your new best friend if you did that. It may or not be wonderfully funny.