Betty Fokker

I don’t know ... grief often comes with rage and rage is not a place where anyone looks their best. I know that I, devoted to fighting slut shaming as I am, slut shamed an ex-fiancee’s partner in infidelity because I was so angry and hurt. It was wrong of me; anger was more powerful than my good sense.

I’m on Team Angie here. I really love my husband, and his happiness means more to me than my own, BUT if he started having a drinking problem and I believed our kids our kids could be emotionally harmed (even if physically safe with nannies and whatnot) I would not only divorce him — I would pull every dirty stunt in

Ditto. I’m an Episcopalian and if someone says it’s “God’s plan” when something hellish happens ... like God was chill with giving kids cancer ... I want to drown them in the Baptism font and tell them I must have been acting under God’s plan. Shit happens. Good people get shit on. Faith just means that you hope one


OMG ... what was he right about????

Why can’t Sulu have always been bisexual, and in this timeline he falls in love and it just happens to be with a dude. Thus, Demora is the result of a one-night stand AND is being raised by two gay dads. This doesn’t really have to be an either/or issue does it?

Possible mental illness; possible desire to make sure child would be in “good” hands; possible religious need ...

The statehouse reporter for the Post-Dispatch named Virginia Young, her editor Christopher Ave, Jefferson City police captain Doug Shoemaker, and Jefferson City Detective Curtis Finke are all monsters. I hope their henious actions come up every single time someone googles their sorry-ass names.

I will feed my husband chili instead, since I am a delicate flower and do not poop.

Please let me know what I can do to help.

Except the Mars Rover one.

That dad was an asshole.

I was "well developed" at 9 ... the only 3rd grader in a C cup bra. How young do you have to be before tits no longer excuse your rape??

apeshit is a common expression and just indicates fury.

Hi, I'm plain of feature and certainly overweight, and I am here for my 2:00 apt with my dentist.

WTF??? No jail time??? Yeah, no rape culture in the USA. *all the rage*

I would love it and hug it and pet it and squeeze it and toothbrush its pretty fur and call it George.

I got the word from a friend. However, she is Canadian and too polite to call me on it if I claim it's mine.

I have, with my own ears, heard something similar said to a female rape victim because her rapist was "hot" and "popular". That doesn't make it true, of course. However, it is sadly plausible. (At least in the early 90s) (No, my friend didn't report the rape because she was afraid other people would think the same way