Betty Fokker

I'm clearly in the minority here, but I feel that her defense of her art (dancing) is justified. She praised Portman's skill at her art (acting) but pointed out that you CANNOT attain enough skill to be a Prima Ballerina in 18 mths ... which is the implied message about Portman's dance scenes in the popular press.

I've heard they'll be in difficult circumcisions if their funds are cut.

Jon Kyl wants to be one of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" so he can be FULL of win too. #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatmen....

It's wrong, but in my heart I would love it if I could lose weigh via wee cute fat-babies.

I second this.

I have used your comment, with credit, on my blog. It will post tomorrow. Thank you for your permission.

Thank you!

I frequently try to explain to others that radical Muslims practice their religion every bit as incorrectly as the KKK follows Christianity. May I use your statements on my blog? Where can I get further accurate information?

Frankly, I think it looks awesome and I wish I had been able to pull something like that off at her age. The teacher has a stick up her ass.

When ranking their asshat level, does the press get points for consistency? Because (taken collectively) they've never strayed off patriarchal & hegemonic message.

Considering the raised veins in Madonna's hands/arms, I am also going to speculate that steroids have added to some of that "work".

As a parent, the "please God take me O please please please me instead" is EXACTLY how you will feel ... times infinity. My oldest girl is "on the spectrum" and requires more parenting (most days) but I don't "love" her less even though I have to do more for her than the youngest two girls. I may get along better with

Is Phyllis Schlafly's colon connected directly to her larynx? Because every time she opens her mouth, shit spews everywhere.

In the article, a Sioux County sheriff's deputy said, "For a 4-year-old, that's pretty brave." In my opinion, that would have been brave even for Batman, let alone a 4 year old. What do kids have to do to impress Midwestern people??

I agree that most of the rapey-ness was the attempt to avoid slut-shaming.

@Princess_Poopy_Pants: I am a stay at home mom and I feel like shit because I might be setting a bad example by staying at home, and feel like shit I provide no income, yet really want to stay home with my girls. Motherhood = there is no win!! I did med anth as a grad student and a lot of what we studied was WHY people do the bullshit spin regarding "scientific studies". Dyscalulia sounds really interesting, and I think I shall use my google-fu skills to read more about this.

I am calling bullshit ... on the reporters. I read one of the first articles on this, and at the end of the story one of the researches said explicitly that the difference was less than a pound and working moms shouldn't worry about it. The researchers were doing nothing awful, it's just yellow journalism blowing

@TyLiPink: Is there a place I can go to apologize on behalf of the dumb motherfuckers of my "species"?

If date-rape isn't as "rape-y" as other rapes, is the fetus more "fetus-y"?