Betty Fokker

@sweetlittlestar: I have had a hemorrhage after the loss of a much-wanted pregnancy as well. I was in the hospital so it wasn't a pharmacist's decision to give me the life-saving meds, Thank God!

Life begins at conception! Life is sacred! Let her die if she doesn't believe that! There is no contradiction here! These are not the droids you are looking for!

@rusty_duck: I've got "teh depression" also. I hope you respond to the new meds. And you are not the only one who went "ooh, scary ... but does it work!?!"


Yes, I am sure Patrick Stewart has a hard time getting laid.

@weirdette: Big D, little i, big N, little ozzo.

@Oddly Hepburn: I have never understood the "accusatory" tone about infertility. I'm sorry you have to deal with people being idiots.

@vim876: It would have dissolved and melted off your finger. You were SO cheated!

@Donovanesque: So THAT'S what happened to my purity ring! Thank God. I had been assuming it was one of my three children.

Is the purity ring connected directly to the hymen? The hymen breaks and the ring breaks? Can I use a tampon and still keep my purity ring?

Was going to do a long post, but let me summarize: That pharmacist is an asshat.

I am the mother of three little girls, all of who I consider beautiful, but Hell would freeze over before I had them prance around so people could judge them by their outward form only. Hell would freeze over and Dick Cheney would lead a peace march before I would teach them to reduce themselves to sex objects for

Asshat Southern Judge,

I don't think this letter was so terrible. It just sounded like the ex-bridesmaid didn't want to be a hypocrite anymore, by being in a wedding she thought was doomed. New Agey it may be, but she was obviously trying not to be a slanging bitch about the whole thing. How *do* you say "I cannot be in the wedding because

Speaking of Vom ... *staggers away to yurk with disgust at what she read*

@superlayne: At Louisiana has a good football team. The Wildcats keep losing to Tennessee ... it's embarrassing.

@Coffee Talks is pissed: Alabama, I raise my RC in a toast to you as I eat my MoonPie. Because we both know what those things taste like.

@labeled: CRAZY AUNT KANYE: Be comforted in the fact y'all had Molly Ivins. KY never got to have anyone nearly as cool as Molly Ivins.