Thank you, Virgina, and all the other states who have stepped up to the plate in order to make make the people of Kentucky look less like knuckle-dragging shit-kickers in comparison. Bless your hearts.
Thank you, Virgina, and all the other states who have stepped up to the plate in order to make make the people of Kentucky look less like knuckle-dragging shit-kickers in comparison. Bless your hearts.
Nothing says "I love you unconditionally and want to form a life-long pair bond" like "lose the weight or I'm outa here, bitch".
@MargaretMoony: /sarcasm: you gots it :0)
@mlle.penelope: Awesome.
To the woman ranting about how women should "keep their legs closed" ... how come there is no rant how men should keep their junk in their pocket or at least put a condom on it? "Juss saying", asshat. It takes two people to have consensual sex. You supposed hatred of pre-marital sex and abortion reveals you are…
I have some theories why any crotch hole in his vicinity is stingy with its lubrication. I hope he leaves professional sex-workers a big tip, because he would qualify as hazardous duty.
@hotpinklovesofa: I disagree. Mel Gibson was cast in movies for decades after making "oven-dodger" jokes ... because he was considered bankable. Gay men are still not treated as "leading man material" and are not treated as a marketable product.
@TheFormerJuneBronson: The baby was napping and we let the older two girls watch their new DVD of Shrek Forever After ... it was a quickie, but a goodie. Apparently my husband is really into (har) fat, strong-willed, arrogant American women :0)
I was rubbing ashes in my hair and donning sackcloth as a sign of the terrible loss I feel that I can never date Douche, er ... Doug, but then I decided to stop doing that and fucked my husband instead. It was a lot more fun, and I didn't miss Douche at all!
@yellowsubroutine: My vagina bleeds every three weeks just to remind me that I will die if I play chess.
A vagina hinders your ability to play chess successfully. Common sense, really.
She very brave. We all know how well the world rewards brave women who refuse to be objects of sexual violence. Thus, I feel despair and fear she be crapped on all the way up the food chain. Can we get Feminist Hulk to smash school authorities who colluded in this, instead?
Have they tried saying he ate Twinkies and it made him crazy? Because that's where they are heading.
If the world is ever given an enema, they will stick it in Mel Gibson ... he's the biggest asshole on the planet.
So God won't punish the abortion providers until He is "prayed" into it? God is a malicious evil robot who must be programed with prayers? WTF? We are worshiping a completely different God at my church, and I'm pretty sure S/He thinks your god is an asshat.
@bigazzkid: I'm just grateful it's not Kentucky, for a change.
Hey! He also needs to acknowledge feminist vaginas have teeth that chew off dicks! He totally missed that one!
@littleada: You. Rock.
@VeryCapable: When I read your comment, an angel got its wings.
@msbliss: Thank you! I was worried I had somehow enraged everyone with my defense of the body as a normal and healthy vehicle for reproduction.