
I was waiting for Maradona to light up a Camel’s Unfiltered.

If he drops out, the Tic-Tac contingent will take to the streets. It’ll be minty fresh mayhem.

One - the United States Government.

I think Phil’s sporting a clip on.

So many office supplies, so little time.

I wonder if he still wears red to the Olive Garden on Sunday afternoon.

Yeah but 80 mil was for Red Bull and Tattoo Monthly magazines.

Some teams just can’t get their Yaya’s out.

Go to Newfoundland. They have “Dildo” and “Come by Chance” within a hundred miles of each other.

My prom date decided she wouldn’t put out on our big night. So I gave her cab fare and got blasted.

I bet that kid’a a terror at the year end buffet and awards banquet.

Said the Bishop to the Monsignor.

What do you expect? He has a man bun.

Ding Dong. The witch is dead.

Yes, golf can be a cruel lady.

Your first name is Bermuda too? Wow, what are the odds?

No half pipe skiing for her and JJ

Hey, I'm an old white guy, and I think it was powerful. We need justice at all colors and ages. I looking forward to seeing if my sports idols follow suit.

I love it.

Yes. They repeatedly said in French “Not in Ze Face. Not in ze face.”