
Often seen at Trump rallies.

Apparently, someone has misremembered, again.

Or Crown her snatch.

According to Kris,

The violations aside, he is a sharp dressed man. That should count for something.

Tim Raines has career numbers comparable to Tony Gywnn. Who are these no talent hack writers?

A swap of Athlete’s Foot.

And when you're looking in the cup at number 16 at The Masters, remember a Tampax Big Girl will fit that puppy just fine.

Coming off a serious jag, Dan voted for Larry Lintz, Coco LeBoy, and Honus Wagner’s idiot cousin Freddy Wagner.

Not to nitpick, but it’s Swiss Francs. Swiss Franks are bought off a cart outside FIFA headquarters.

Ding Dong. The witch is dead.

Never mind the All Star Game. I’d pay to see little Gary Bettman tell him,

That, and they forced a tampon up his ass.

Bailey, who has his head up his ass, was shot in the head and the hip. Nice grouping.

Now playing

One of Canada’s best songwriters was laid to rest today. Ron Hynes of Newfoundland was referred to as the Man of a Thousand Songs. Here is one of his better know tunes, ST. John’s Waltz.

Don't worry Tommy boy. When the Expos are resurrected, you can go back with them.

As Mike Tyson almost said... “Everybody’s got a plan till they get a kick in the cunt.

You gotta admit. That is a Class A head plant.

I tried playing goalie once. Once.

Yesss it would.