The football team looks like they're waiting for the strippers and kegs to arrive.
The football team looks like they're waiting for the strippers and kegs to arrive.
Especially since his middle name is Anus.
In New York Jet green. Somebody got paid.
It’s ironic that he call Liverpudlians inbreds at the same time as he’s being told to go fuck himself.
Michael Buffer is getting old. He just said, “Let’s get ready to rhumba!”
Sepp responds to McDonalds,
He lost the weave, along with his mojo.
Also, never underestimate Tim the Tool Man Taylor on the 400hp LawnBoy.
Mike will be a Special Assistant in charge of hookers and hair care products.
Dick in a box on steroids.
“You fuck like a world champion.”
Perfect for the post game pajama party circle jerk.
A challenging personality? Understatement of the decade.
Here's a tissue. You have a spot of shit in your eye.
I worked it out beforehand. I got drunk, stripped and shouted “Put it in my pooper you sexy fucker, you.”
Oh how I pine for the days when Lucy would shout,
That's what you get for hogging the remote.
Or, you could key his car.
Under or outer ones?
All that, and the fucker wears a clip on tie.