Next week, the plaster cast prank.
He got two games for Deflategate, and two games for taking two pounds of pressure out of his chin. Seems appropriate to me.
He's sitting next to Edward Snowden at the game.
And third on the grid, Team Mayonaise.
A double double. Nice
We’re Number - oh shit.
It is believed alcohol was involved.
Was it his playing hand or the other one?
To be fair, it's hard to play basketball when you go around with your dick in your hands.
They are popping the champagne at Golden Corral in Pittsburgh.
I love this picture.
See what happens when you cut in line at Golden Corral?
Most of them look like they got laid off from the Doorman position at FAO Schwartz.
Yeah but the honor comes with Pizza Hut coupons. That's gotta count for something.
The same thing happened at the breakfast buffet at the Hampton Inn.
If you do it right, goink leads to comink.
I could make a nice sized tent out of my neck skin, but I'm not that big on camping.
No titty shots. No burning cars. Nobody being tazed. What a shitty newscast.