
This smells like a bunch of teenage boys down in the basement trading pictures they bullied out of the neighborhood girls.

He's part of the Untouchables, the little known Elliot Mess.

90kph is a wrist shot. The big boys can slap the puck at over 160kph.

That's because he spends so much time on his knees, and never uses his head.

I saw the same look on the face of the Captain of the Titanic.

It's 650m to the beer store, so I've never made the 800m distance.

Those are some fine Phil Mickelson type tits.

Only the good stuff.

And then Gov Pence went home and took it in the butt from his well endowed houseboy.

Classy. That's not me.

It's analogy time.

Now playing

And an offering from one of the coolest men in Rock.

Given the Nazi salute by an African American, I'm worried about the size of his core demographic.

Next stop, H&R Block, as an assistant tax preparer.

Henry Winkler puts two in the pink, and one in the stink. Go Fonzie!

A locked hand job to win. Disappointing.

Maybe they shouldn't pay them millions of dollars until they prove themselves.

Richanbach said that the league shot back, "well, he's not the commissioner of the NFL."

The ankle bracelet doesn't have that kind of range.

What a surprise! Not!!