Greatest sideburns of the Rock Era.
Greatest sideburns of the Rock Era.
Try this one. 16 year old from Winnipeg who played and made the video himself. Jesus, when I was 16, I was still trying not to pick my nose in public.
And now a question about poise and class. How many A-Rods (on this best day) would you need to equal Jean Beliveau (on his worst).
And "Suck it Prongs" completes the trifecta of hockey porn.
I agree that it's not Pegula's fault. But a shit show sprays everyone.
Amidst a shit show governed by money and not championships, hope springs eternal. (The Maple Leafs motto)
Rogers wanted the Bills for its communications empire. Winning had nothing to do with it. The Wilson family deprived Buffalo fans of home games. But they made more money in the end. Terry Pagula's first year of operations saw a home game moved to Detroit. Not a great start.
He bends like Gumby.
It's okay though, because she takes the bacon in the face.
I can relate to those poor bastards in Buffalo.
All we are missing are a dog that gets kicked and a couple of orphans with disabilities.
Two kinds of football. Two teams that suck at the game.
What happens if he just releases the report? Seth has him kicked to death by the Radio City Hall Rockettes. What, you doubt the stretch of his influence. Beware mortal. Beware.
The only thing we are missing in this whole fucking debacle is Mini Me.
In his defense, Jim McMahon is usually nearby to wrap his lips around it and save the day.
He. Could. Go. All. The. Waaaaayyyyyy.....
There's a banner ad waiting to happen.
"Jeepers Gus, that's two minutes for unsportsmanlike conduct and a ten minute misconduct. That's gonna keep him on the bench till the middle of the second act. Not a good penalty, not a good penalty at all. "
Apparently all of the Florida State PR people took english at UNC.