After his Big Red Breakfast comments, Pelini ate his meal, a six pack of Old Milwaukee and three of those little red beauties.
After his Big Red Breakfast comments, Pelini ate his meal, a six pack of Old Milwaukee and three of those little red beauties.
depends if you're a man or a woman.
Nobody will wear the yellow jersey. It was sweated clean.
That's her fapping arm that got injured.
She's clearly not a hockey player. A hockey player would have stitched it up and been back for the third period.
Classy move.
"My past," she told the room, "is littered with the bones of men who were foolish enough to think I was someone they could sleep on. Except for Sean Kemp. I had a baby with him."
I just threw up in my mouth.
One of the poorer facets of his game.
His cousin Elmer Fuld is berry berry powed of him.
It must be a really serious injury. He's climbing into the back of a hearse.
The Dude killed it.
They cared. About your girl.
And I laughter out loud!
Now, don't be bringing religion into it. Next thing you know we'll be talking about oppressing women. What? Uh, never mind.
Fire a couple of snakes down through the grating. They'll be buying season tickets out of their own pockets in no time flat.
Okay, he's got the swearing down. If he can give us some drug videos, he could be the mayor of Toronto.
He needs a GoPro strapped to his head. At least we would get the benefit of his up close ball watching.
If you listen carefully, you can hear Dickerson shouting "Take that Batman!"