That time of the month?
Even Mother Teresa passed on Lafayette saying "Are you fucking kidding me?"
Wait! Nobody told me it was any good before.
Why? Because the pills turned his organs black?
It is if it smells like baby laxative.
I thought that too, but it was only a minor league booger.
Not the ones to the ankles and not the ones from behind. Just saying.
it is very difficult to take a man seriously when he has a chin that is the perfect place to rest your balls.
Not droves, groves. He was impaled by a marauding tree.
It was diagnosed by V. during a spirited game of Doctor.
The hockey gods say "Go to the net, and good things will happen." These are good and merciful gods.
It is the pose of a man trying to will away a hard on.
In fairness, he raised it with his female staff members as he pushed away the autographed Rush Limbaugh picture and bent them across his desk.
Sad but true.
Bill O'Reilly has his head so far up his ass, he can chew his food twice.
It's all fun and games until someone loses a Turban - er, eye.
Are you the third runner up in the Sean Avery look alike contest?
We missed the part about the Chinese woman having enormous breasts and a low cut top.
This has it all. Evil Eye from the kicker, stink eye from the coach, and pink eye from the fan.