
There is really nothing funny about this, but damn, I laughed anyway.

Touché Sir.

Let the rioting begin and the politeness continue.

Oh, don't you feel silly now?

So that when you fall down drunk, you don't get cut by broken glass.

Yer a crybaby eh.

After mediation, everyone agreed that he would only party when the Bucs win. Twice a year isn't so bad.

He's a flat head and a bottle of beer away from a great night in Russia.

That curl in the middle of his forehead looks a lot like a horses ass.

Gold eh? Beauty!

McIlroy then shouted, "Whose the prick now!"


Even though you won, you're still the 12th man on the team.

And it still rains every friggin day.

They still play that at the bar during Pat Summerall Alcohol Appreciation Night.

That's damn impressive.

I dunno. Looks like a fun night out to me.

Are you talking about the fight or the bad announcing?

Honorary. Does that mean they can't keep a job?

If, If, If!