
Yikes! This is en par with Ed Hardy in terms of glittery, overpriced pseudo-badass tastelessness.

Well, I think LFO narrowly beats her in that category - yes, the lyrics to Roar are stupid, but nothing beats the stream of conscience stupidity of Summer Girls. Samples:

Strappy gold sandals, like the Jimmy Choos Keirnan Shipka wore to the Emmys?

Yeah, you're right - I wonder what the movie would have been like if they had included a more graphic/less romanticized scenes towards the end. (Maybe the whole "contrast" thing - porn vs real life, fake vs real relationships, etc. wouldn't have worked as well?) I'll probably have to see the movie again, I don't

I'd be curious to know why you found the movie to be anti-kink/pro-vanilla. It's been a while since I saw the movie, but I don't really remember getting that impression (maybe I just didn't notice it?). As far as sexual communication goes (SPOILER ALERT for anyone who hasn't seen the movie yet - also: go see the

Direct message, if I'm not mistaken - basically a private message to another Twitter user.

God, I never realized they existed before (the truly terrible, albeit catchy, therefore even worse because it will be stuck in your head all day) "How you remind me".

Dear teenage pop stars, people who go to Ikea and Ross Gellar,

I have a horrible, deep, dark secret: I really, really like Nickelback's "This Afternoon". It's just the perfect dude-bro-country-pop-rock-anthem to listen to when you're fantasizing about sunny backyard bbqs in the middle of the cold, bleak winter. I hate all their other songs, though - I'm not a monster, after all.

Does he pronounce that wrong on purpose? Is that a hiphop thing? An ironic hipster thing?

Maybe it's a comment on fashion's obsession with youth? Or they just needed fashionable diapers for practical reasons, you know, since the models seem to be getting younger and younger...

Agreed. The shape of the dress is very "Calvin Klein minimalism", but the fabric and pattern just scream "We don't belong here! Please, please, put us on (into?) a crazy Alexander McQueen creation."

I hate the color of the dress on her - it just washes her out. That nude/powder pink/light pastel stuff rarely looks good on anyone, esp. with such light complexion. (See also: Julie Bowen, January Jones) Could have been gorgeous in a deep green or purple.

Love, Love, Loved her look - the dress is so fun and "age appropriate" (whatever that means). I could also see Michelle Williams rock a floor-length version of the dress.

Me love movies! Me love Cookie Monster! Me love this!

I'm gonna play devil's advocate and say that I'm actually sort-of excited for Miley to host. I thought the first time she hosted was surprisingly funny (her Justin Bieber was pretty spot on)*, and if the show turns out to be a trainwreck, it will probably still be an entertaining, highly gif-able trainwreck.

How about an interview between Vanessa Bayer's Miley and Miley Cyrus' tongue (played by Miley Cyrus)? (Too obvious? Too confusing? Probably.)

That dog doesn't look delighted. More like he/she is thinking "WTF is going on? Why TF does the strange shiny lady think she can lionking* me? Will someone please get me out of the hideous dress and necklace?!"

I'm sorry, when I heard the rumor (and let's just call it a rumor), I was in shock too. I always assume that people with great chemistry in front of the camera must also get along in IRL....

I had the same reaction when I first read/heard about that somewhere, I don't remember where, maybe in the comment section on a gossip blog, maybe some 20 things you didn't know about GG thing on Buzzfeed. There's this, also: