But isn't that probably because she and Scott Patterson didn't really get along, rather than Christopher actually being better for Lorelai?
But isn't that probably because she and Scott Patterson didn't really get along, rather than Christopher actually being better for Lorelai?
Luke. How is that even a question? Jess > Dean, but of Rory's bf's, Logan is actually my favorite (no! no! please don't hate me), and Lane always had the better taste in guys anyway.
I'm not a big fan of Blake Lively, but I really like the cover, too. A big, comfy-looking coat is such a welcome change to the sea of stars in tight, tiny dresses and puffy designer gowns.
Dude, a lot of female pop artists today write their own stuff even if you wouldn't assume it (because they dumb down and sex up their image and, let's be honest here, there's sort of a bias against female musicians as "less real/serious" no matter what they do) - Kesha i.e. was a songwriter before she became…
Thank you! :)
(Warning - angry rant coming:)
Same here. Confession: The first thing I thought when I read that headline was "Great, a(nother) legit reason to hate yoga", rather then "that's terrible etc."
Concerning the pregnancy-hating friend:
Hating pregnancy in general doesn't necessarily mean she'll be unsupportive of her best friend's pregnancy, just because she doesn't like babies in general doesn't mean she won't like yours. Did she know you were trying to get pregnant? Does she just not like babies, or kids in…
While the writers seemed to sometimes struggle with giving Ann a consistent storyline, I will really miss Ann's and Leslie's friendship. I think people underappreciate Rashida Jones/Ann because being the straight man/finding the "funny" in a character that was originally written as the straight man is a lot harder…
I'm surprised Lautner is on the list, but not Robert Pattinson - I would have expected Edward to have earned way more Twilight money than ... what was the werewolf's name again?
I'm pretty sure your instincts are right - this just screams parody, or at least fame-trolling ("well, if a song is bad and catchy enough, I might get famous.") I mean - Rebecca Black?! Ke-Dollarsign-Blablabla-ha?
Nope. Still Team Dog. I'll just leave this here:
He's also a pretty decent actor. He played Andy's brother on The Office and Emma Stone's douchy lawyer boyfriend on Crazy Stupid Love.
This has nothing to do with celebrity booze - but: Lindy, where did you get that top/dress? It's adorable, and I want it!
I like Carly Rae Jepsen's dress - it's fun and summery, and I like that the pattern continues on the sheer part of the dress. Plus: The styling with the gold clutch, red nails and turquoise cuff works really well, I think (not too matchy-matchy, but the colors work well together).
On Dree Hemingway's dress, on the…
Well, yes, because if your definition of beauty is anything but Victoria Secret's catalogue = good, black/plus sized = terrible-horrible-ewww, you clearly must be insane. *Eyeroll*
There should be a manditory class for all SAG-members called "Dignified Physical Aging 101 ", taught by George Clooney and Meryl Streep.
Ummm... is it weird that I like Jesse Eisenberg more now after I saw that interview? Maybe he was being a bit of a dick, but a pretty fun dick... Also: The interviewer was super unprofessional and painfully unfunny, so...
I saw this at a festival, and really enjoyed it. The trailer and even the plot description don't really do the movie justice, but I don't want to spoil anything...
It's a great indie romcom. In some ways the movie reminded me of 500 days of summer - the styles/stories are vastly different, but both those movies…