It’s Nasim Pedrad, not Perdad. #SNLnerd
It’s Nasim Pedrad, not Perdad. #SNLnerd
The radio station is called NRJ, as in energy, not ARJ. #corrections
I am currently re-watching Gilmore Girls and in the middle of “the blessed Jess Mariano years.” Except, nope, not blessed, because no matter how hot Milo Ventimiglia might be with all the fake tattoos in that one Fergie video, Jess is the f-ing worst, he might even be a psychopath. #TeamLogan4eva
I’m pretty sure that if Trump wins the nomination (or even the presidency *shivers*) we’ll all be exclusively drinking Brawndo 15 years from now.
On what day do we wear pink though? Wasn’t that Wednesday, too?
Sorry I didn’t respond, life stuff happened and didn’t really go on the internet for the past few days. But that’s an interesting dream. I think it’s fascinating how some people’s dreams are super abstract, and others seem very real and that for some dreams, you can immediately tell where they are coming from (amateur…
I will! Big fan of dream conversations. Your best dream - go! Or are you being ironic? You’re being ironic, aren’t you?
I like you. I think we’re on the same page - dreams are fascinating, as long as you start with a basic overview of why your dream was interesting, then go into more details if the other person is interested, dreams are a totally legit conversation topic (I hope?). So let’s talk dreams!
I talk about my dreams all the time because they are hilarious. (Or are they? Am I just some delusional Hannah-Hovarth-like monster?) One time, I met my favorite soccer coach and we talked for a while and then sort-of-stalked his daughter because he didn’t like her new boyfriend. Another time, I was literally saved by…
I get what you are saying, but I think maybe his anger was not just directed at his bio-dad, maybe he wanted to make a more general statement for father’s day, using his own, personal history. As in: father’s day sort of sucks for people who don’t feel like sending their dad a thank-you-for-being-there-for-me card…
Thank you! This is so true. Here’s the thing: If you truly love your kids and you were a terrible parent and they found someone who is actually a good parent to them, just be f-ing happy that your children have someone in their live that is there for them. My dad always used the “well, you weren’t perfect/always…
Glad you liked it. It’s one of my all time favorites. :)
I love this clip.
Have been looking forward to this movie for a long time, yay! for the many great people involved.
Let’s be old together and hate on vlogs. They*’re THE WORST.
I always liked Logan the best, too, and I still hate the writers for having him propose to (and basically emotionally blackmail) Rory in the final season because that was so unnecessary and out of character. I get that they wanted to show Rory going out on her own, and that Logan and Rory breaking up post-College is…
That’s what I thought when I read your post.