
People are mocking that? I took a look at it and went “This is everything I wanted Minecraft to be.” If it updates with more than one change every 7 months I’m sold!

Dhalsim started a studio in Los Santos and made a killing. “It’s like soulcycle but you can survive immolation.”

Michael’s wife is a 12th level Monk from 3rd Edition.

Absolutely this. It’s downright impossible to switch between playing on PS4 and PC.

You would think so, but FFXIV’s gear progression system is so nearly entirely vertical, to the point where having an optimize button actually makes sense.

I would absolutely love a DBZ RPG infused game. I know that there have been attempts in the past, but they were the equivalent of a mobile game now.

They are called fringe/s. She is wearing a fringed bikini.

I came here to post the same thing. That game had some pretty unique game mechanics that I haven’t seen done anywhere else.

Oh that would be so awesome. That game gets nowhere near the amount of love it deserves!


LOLOLOLOL. The fact that you’ve painted this situation as not a “societal issue” and rather the isolated actions of a few assholes is itself unassailable evidence that you are NOT anti-sexist. You’ve managed to minimize the tweets, deny that they’re part of a larger systemic sexism, and excuse yourself from feeling

No, it would have been sad if you couldn’t chuckle at it because it happened on Fox News.

So what if it looks like a postage stamp on a bowling ball... it’s samurai armor!!!! Ain’t nobody saying nothin’!

Being the cheapass I am, I’ve always wanted a cheap supply of sheets of corrugated paper and a good armor design. So I could be... Uncle Sam pizza box samurai on the 4th, “Santa-rai” at Christmas and so

No, on Ps3 (as on steam) you could set downloads only to happen overnight so that you don’t mess with bandwidth during the day. I have unlimited data overnight, but a 300GB cap during the day which I prefer to use for streaming and web browsing.

Maybe he talks about a specific time.

well if you want to play Gundam Breaker 3 you should get the English-Asia version and I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure PlayAsia is the only place you can get it. also the PS3, PSP, PS4, and Vita are all region free.

Oh that makes sense. Yeah I’d agree with most of that, and I may have come across as defensive because I know far too many people who never even played it but just watch videos constantly of other people playing it. This has become a common trend with many games.
“What you can’t beat level 6-4? thats easy, i watched

I agree. One thing that I really learned in law school, is that, given that people are actually trying to have a conversation and understand one another, the onus for communicating an idea is on the writer/speaker—not the reader/listener.

I’m sorry that you lack reading comprehension.

Unpopular opinion: Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed > Mario Kart 7.