
I think it's worth your time to check out a post made by another Doom modder about Brutal Doom and its "creator":

So.. Doom 4 is a reboot? Wasn't Doom 3 a reboot? So basically, they've remade the same game twice?

/Sees Lindsay Lohan in the first-base grandstand

I like the way you think.

The first time I ever successfully sneaked backstage at a concert was Counting Crows at the Greek Theater in 1999. I was standing by a gate, and someone came out with a VIP sticker-patch and asked me if I wanted it. I thought I had won the goddamned lottery and was so effing PUMPED...until...I came upon Adam Duritz w

You should know better than try to hide corpses in River Ankh.

Clearly Santa's sleigh has an inertial dampening field around it. The reindeer droppings fall as the would as if the deer were running at a normal speed. Though once the feces leaves the dampening field it would accelerate and probably disintegrate at the speeds Santa would need to be traveling. Christmas + Star Trek

I saw the autocorrect fail like 5 minutes after I posted, and just left it there, because it made me laugh. :P

I for one think there isn't enough rambling on this page.

I believe there is some legal precedent. I direct you to Constanza vs. US Open


Over here?

this reminds me of this

It was in Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, and they shut down last year.

For PC folks, Sniper Elite V2 is free on Steam today. Surprised this isn't mentioned.

Thought this said "Human".

Negative, I am a meat popsickle!

You know what I love? 3-fucking-minute long you tube videos with annoying, shitty music that feature text and a few related images that I could have read in less than 30 seconds if you just wrote a goddamn list instead of making a shitty video.

My theory for the different-coloured USB plugs is that, if you need one of your WiiU's USB ports for something else, it can run on one USB that carries all the data and enough power for two controllers. The second USB just provides the additional power if you want three or four controllers. This is especially nice for