
Are we talking a metric assload or an imperial assload?

You mean you had to use your hands? That's like a baby's toy!

...Huh? I thought Kokatu was a gambling blog. It makes so much more sense now.

Exactly! Having nothing move, turns it more into a puzzle game, then an RTS FPS.

Manhandle the dog or get a good hold of it to be able to carry it off the pitch, while trying to avoid being bit? Maybe to you it looks like he throws the dog on the ground, to me it looks like he was reacting to being bit and the dog dropped.

I think that idea has a date with Shadowplay

Darren Rovell makes citizen's arrests.

We must fix all the turtles!


ESF was such a fantastic DBZ game. I have fond memories of being the highest PL character on a map, playing as Vegeta, and taking on all comers, to the point that we had a beam clash going on with my Final Flash versus two Kamehamehas, a Special Beam Cannon, and a Spirit Bomb. My Final Flash started winning, and

A joystick that prints out tiny coupons for Arbys?

Sign me the fuck up, sister!

Kudos to TWC for almost giving you front row seats to a router threesome though. Very arouting.

Clearly, brevity is NOT the soul of wit in this case.

You are not alone.

A handful of flour thrown at a campfire can make a nice fireball. Like most fireballs, this could probably hurt someone.

First rule of bomb disposal: smash it up with a fucking broom.

Sooooooo, you guys thought it might possibly be a bomb and you responded by beating it w/ a broom?

Just disgusting. What an unnatural, embarrassing fit for a once-beloved source of comedy.