Im pretty sure this is the plot of Such Art.
Im pretty sure this is the plot of Such Art.
This is why I like Sam Lake. You just know he was super excited to get to go up and be part of a silly dance routine for his game. That, and listening to his commentary tracks in Alan Wake show that this guy just loves what he does, and it means something to him.
Their corporate strategy just goes all over the place. Like you said, they used to have a tight grip, then they loosened a lot. They used to kinda embrace fan material, and then they clamped down on that and made it illegal. Who knows what they are gonna do next
The closest I can think of is Warhammer. They will let anyone try once with it.
Ok but are all those sold out items, and this one, real? Because when Belle Delphine did the whole “gamer girl bathwater” thing, the products were always listed as “sold out” because they didnt exist and she was doing it to troll people and see how many people would lie about having bought one.
Its Duke Nukem 3d by way of Quake 2! Looks great!
Well, I mean, its not like its some open world action game. Its a visual novel.
Man yeah that looked amazing. Some of the second screen stuff was lame, like need for speed where you just magically drained random peoples boost gauge.
People forget 40k started as a punk take-down of Thatcherite Britain.
Yeah, it becomes really noticeable as these clips from vastly different scenes in the game, but her audio just keeps rolling on with absolutely no interruption or shift in tone.
Yeah, hes got inflecting, hes putting emotion into his words, the LINES themselves are just poorly written. Big ol difference.
Except it IS a new game. The story is different. It was slight and mysterious in the first part, but its becoming more and more different in the second. The third is probably going to be wild.
No multiplayer game is scary. Being in voice chat with your buddies removes all immersion and tension from any fictional situation. It makes you hyper aware you are playing a video game.
The original RDR still has multiplayer? I feel like I remember seeing a news story about it being shut down, and people being surprised it wasnt peer to peer hosting or something. Which Berenstain world am I in currently?
Yes! All the times Chow Yun Fat has shot a guy, sending him down some stairs, or to lend spine-first on a railing is childhood.
God, Hong Kong stuntmen were either the most disposable resource, or the most valuable members, the way they ate complete shit on everything for realism.
Everything ive heard about post malone is he is actually kind of a well-meaning doof. He just looks like a doodle pad and thats ok. Leagues away from one of the Pauls buying it or something.
This is like how weinstein always said you needed to dumb things down for middle america, and we know how good he was at choices.
Windows does not always mean steam. Sometimes people specifically say “Windows” because its only on the microsoft store, or Epic. So yeah, clarification would be good. At this point, people just need to say “not on steam”
Especially since it was kinda invented AS an insult, which for some reason, people started using unironically.