
All the variety, none of the actual gunplay!

It just means you’re not familiar with the media its copying, and thats fine. Its kind of like when an anime character does some weird thing, and everyone goes “what does that mean?” but anime fans know its visual shorthand for a very specific emotional response, or something.

Because it works in every situation. Hes glaring in anger. Hes grimacing in despair. Hes raising his eyebrows in appreciation. Call now to get your very own Omniface, only $19.99.

Man, what didnt help with Brutal Legend was it had a demo, and the demo was ONLY character action, and made it seem like it was just a purely DMC-style game. The demo didnt even mention there was going to be any kind of unit management.  I worked at Vivendi at the time, so I knew already what it was going to be, and I

Man, Luke was alternatingly my most hated and most favorite writer on the site.  Sometimes during the same day.  I feel like this balance made him a proper human being, with his own views, which I could either go with or not.  He did his thing and it was up to you to imbibe it or not.  I wish you the best, and I hope

I cant think of a single FPS game that had ladder animations in the half life and before era.

This is the exact reason I loved LA Machineguns and Gunblade NY.  I feel like the entire point of industrial-lookin robot enemies is to have them be dismantled in combat until they stop functioning.  Something where every shot has a result.

No, the way they changed up the monk for DI was actually pretty cool.  Felt more like playing Kharazim in Heroes of the Storm.

Man those were the days. Early 360 too. Back before companies understood the true power of such things and had to lock it all down.

GTA5 already has a thing where the radio stations change depending on if youre in the city or the country.  As for constantly putting in new music, that would break the “time bubble” that GTA games exist in.  Time doesnt move on unless its required for the story.

Im pretty sure thats already one of the rift challenges.

“They got it graded, so clearly they know whats up and will probably sell it”

I like the...what was it, 9 or X style ones, where they just happpened instantly and it felt like it came out of nowhere.  The 11 stlye ones, where the gameplay stops, and it puts on the fatality spotlight slowed it down too much I think.  They should bring the sudden ones back, cause that really made it feel like

They didnt make it, thats the thing.  Its a different dev team.

Its a completely different dev team. Thats part of what is upsetting people. I dont care about the panty stuff, even though it was kind of like a “youre know what youre getting into” thing, but the removal of other things, like Big Band’s backstory of getting Robocop’d by corrupt police makes it seem like they are

Her name is Airy, so im guessing she is supposed to be air bladder from a shoe.  But yeah, the little smoothed hole details really make it look goopy.

I get you are probably not actually looking for suggestions, but lazyglasses are amazing. They are glasses which are just prisms that make you look straight down. Lets you read a book in your lap without bending your neck, or while laying down. They are also like 15 bucks.

Thats removing some pretty big safety barriers between “My real ass personal government information” and “random internet” that I dont really like.

The disaster footage mentions “A tornado” that destroyed the city. That tornado was the big “plot ghost” tornado that served as one of the final boss fights of Remake, and the presence of which is probably what split things into the “Normal Timeline” and the “Zack is Alive Timeline,” with all the injured Avalanche

So, we know that the symbiote somehow splits off from Harry and gives Peter the Black Suit, while STILL keeping Harry in the near-death coma because of the dialogue from the gameplay reveal. So yes, its known the symbiote is with Harry, so he CAN become Venom, but someone ELSE can also become Venom.