
Peter already has the symbiote suit and its clear that its making him angrier and more hostile, so thats already a given storyline, that was shown in the 12 minute gameplay reveal. Peter cant also be venom, because we have seen all three of them in the same place from the reveal trailer, and artwork. So, unless there

Inhumans show so bad its reversing the “Mutants were inhumans all along” angle and is bringing new folks with it.

Two designers working head-down at their desks:

*looks at definition of cakewalk, a term he has known and used his whole life*

Thats what the guy on Pawn Stars always says when people bring up auctions.  “Yeah they are LISTING for that much, but what are they actually SELLING for?”

You gotta ban birth control and convince people to have kids so you can flood the marketplace with like-minded future voters.  Its like the Quiverfull movement on a national level.

Im here wondering if they are setting it up to somehow fall in line with the High Republic Era setting they are ramping up for, which will, of course, somehow tie directly back to the movie cannon in some way.

Well there was also Luuuke Skywalker, the clone of Luuke, and then Joruus, the clone of Jorus, and Streeen, the clone of Streen.  Signifier or not, it created the meme of “Star Wars Clone Names”

Semantically, yes, but gameplay-wise, its a new feature for MK1.  Kameo fighters are going to be “assist” fighters, probably like Marvel Vs Capcom 1.

That was ALL the DC heroes in MK vs DC.

Gonna have to start calling them something else now that MK1 is having Kameo Fighters as a new gameplay feature.

Pro-Smashers continuing to treat children like Pro-Smashers.

Yeah the online server for the episodes was taken down years ago.  You have to download the episodes pack to put them all on your hard drive.

Im gonna guess the “improperly translated” questions insinuated the man was gay, and in a fit of absolute terror (hatred) of having a man approach him, he retaliated with attempted lethal force.

Wait, Iron Brigade is coming to GAMEPASS? Thats an old 360 game. Is gamepass getting old 360 games now, or is this a new, remake that I just havent heard of?

It IS brought up in one of the World movies though.  When asked why the dinosaurs arent feathered, the scientists says its because they genemod all their dinosaurs to be more marketable, and non-feathered is what people expect.

“Oops! All Fallen!”

But Trader Sam had such good bargains.  He would trade you two of his shrunken heads for one of yours!

I have to say, the way PASBR did its stages was amazing.  The way the background would suddenly crossover into another property during the match and it was great.  It would be cool if smash bros did crossover stages, but weirdly it never did that I can remember.

Yes, the literal john wick reference character in Watch Dogs 3 does John Wick stuff.  Is also literally the only character archetype that does combat in that manner.