I don’t jack it straight off in the hotel room.
I don’t jack it straight off in the hotel room.
YES. An Old Fashioned is sugar, bitters, alcohol, water. That's it. A sugar cube, put bitters on it, muddle it in the whiskey, add ice (water). No fruit. No seltzer. *MAYBE* an orange twist expressed over it if you wish.
I remember when I was in 9th grade ordering the Wilson Phillips tape from a local record store. My parents had to take me to get it.
oh my god i would pay extra every month just for that
So, as I saw someone else mention, I do the Thomas Keller method. Nothing but salt and pepper on the board.
Heck, when I first moved up here in 2004 I wouldn't have dared to live around here. It's getting better, I guess.
Just my usual drink order, actually...
One Ravi Kabob is more sit-down, and the other is more take-out. I can't remember which is which.
Super Pollo was where I got Peruvian chicken for the first time, back when Shamrock Fest was around Ballston Mall.
Everyone I've heard says it's between Ravi and Kabob Palace for best kabobs in the area.
I worked in Rosslyn above the Safeway for 18 months (at DHS) and man, I hate that store so much.
I saw some high school hipster types taking pictures of their chicken mascot (?) the other day — that's the most I've seen happening at their store in a while. They have to be a front for something...
That place is right next door to my apartment. It doesn't surprise me the owners are Pakistani; one of the best kabob places in the area is in this shopping center (it has two branches next to each other, and one across the street) and is a very popular location.
Even at that age, I would've had no problem staying on if I was being paid - but the "clock out, but you cannot leave" was and is bullshit.
When I was 16, I worked for McDonald's for a week. I closed every night, and we were required to clock out, but unable to leave, after we'd finished cleaning. We had to wait for the manager to finish to be able to leave.
I used to love it, back in the day, but I don't even bother anymore.
I got all excited until I realized it wasn't a misspelling of X-Cops. :-(
In ECON 201, our professor (who was a legend at UVA) always used Pilsner Urquell as an example of...something. I can't remember what. But it played up the fact that he considered it the greatest beer in the world.
God, I remember being in a bar with a Young Libertarians convention, and one of the organizers (who was like 22) was lamenting his heart wasn't in it anymore. The group of us (upper 30s) pointed out to him "welcome to the real world".
For me, it's either all or nothing.