
I genuinely think you seem like a frakking badass and I very much admire you right now.

So some doulas and “midwives” are as you describe and are decidedly not an okay thing. However, proper midwives have a medicine based training program and/or are also RNs. Some doulas don’t deliver the baby but help the prospective mother figure out her best options for treatment during and after the birth and act as

I think this is the first time I have ever seen someone other than me and my bestie refer to Michael Keaton as a “national treasure.” More people should do this. He should be on some list of historical sites or something.

And what was she supposed to actually do to discourage it? I think she and her husband showed equal restraint in ignoring it. Because seriously, even if she was flattered at first (which she probably wasn’t) that shit had to get very annoying by the end of the night.

And you never know when gnomes might become Scary Gnomes!

Oh wow what a cutie. Is she yours? I had only ever seen them constrict to break quail eggs. Which my corn won’t even do. I have to break them open for him. Spoiled.

Corns constrict? How did I not know this? Then again my corn eats frozen and doesn’t even pretend to hunt. He doesn’t even like when I jiggle the mouse to entice him.

Someone said snake?!

Sorry to be pedantic... but I really can’t help myself when it comes to snake-related misconceptions. Also boas are neither poisonous nor venomous. They’re just fat and good at crushing things.

This comment is the best coming from someone with a name like yours.

This makes him even less scary, somehow. Also I forgot to mention how happy your picture makes me.

As not a dog person, your dog is adorable and childhood me totally wouldn’t have been scared because your dog looks like a mini Sprocket from Fraggle Rock.

I did not know this. He was an even more amazing human being than I ever knew.

Now playing

If you didn’t already know, Jerry Orbach was amazing and really renowned on Broadway. It’s wonderful telling people that because they are so often surprised and then delighted.

Wait was that really a thing? I know he was with that young woman in Pittsburgh, but I’m pretty sure a large part of that movie was fictionalized. I optimistically assumed she wasn’t really his girlfriend. Like maybe she was the woman who just happened to be cast as Marian and thought it would be fun to do the movie

Wait... are editing, visual effects, and original screenplay minor categories? Because Star Wars and Ex Machina each have two major characters of color. Hell, there’s only like four characters in Ex Machina so that’s pretty significant. Or does “of colour” specifically mean black and not just something other than

The very first nude scene I remember seeing in my youth? Him and Geena Davis in The Fly. It was great because he was naked so much in that movie. Even before he was a disturbing Brundlefly.

I get the feeling you are someone who will understand that mine was Jeff Goldblum.

I’m behind you. I heard they smell awful and also like to pounce on people by dropping out of trees. I think the second part might be made up, though.

Despite all of my issues with the film, Winona Ryder was a pretty perfect Susanna Kaysen. I know Kaysen herself thought the casting of Winona Ryder and Angelina Jolie glamorized mental illness. But, seriously, Ryder looks like the Hollywood version of a young Kaysen.