
I know this is a way more serious response than is probably appropriate, but I have strong feels about this. The point is that it is NEVER too late to seek happiness in your life, that you should never hesitate to leave a relationship that isn’t working for you.

My parents split up after 35 years together, probably 30

I got as far as Close Encounters. Didn't see anything else, because I couldn't SEE anything else. What is this? A movie for ants?

only committing to him for six weeks?

Hi Dan—

thin you say:

I have no problem with this for the most part because I couldn’t care less about it, but I’m more than a little irritated that she named her book after a song she clearly doesn’t understand. All the Single Ladies is not about empowered single women choosing to forgo marriage. It’s about (black) women whose men refuse

star trek thought me so much , including Roman numerals :). Only wish they had made a start trek V , seems weird to go IV to VI. I mean its not like they would have made a movie so bad, I would subconsciously block it out from my mind.

I have it on good authority that Ted Cruz enjoys keying cars when he thinks no one is looking. Also, he likes swiping ONE sock from people’s laundry.

All the non-drinking muslims get together with the abstinent single Catholic folks.

Damn, that Tiegen pic tho, but it ain’t the baby I’m looking at.

“I only regret that I have but one star to give for this comment.” - Nathan Hale


One time, the wooden cap for my Cholula got separated from the actual plastic screw top inside it. I still had like 85% of the bottle left at that point but I threw it out anyways because it just wasn’t the same without the signature wooden cap. I still have nightmares from that day.

Brookfield Zoo is the closest zoo to me. I’ve been to Lincoln Park zoo, but the last time I was there was over a decade ago.


I wrote my senior thesis on conscientious objectors during World War II, and I can’t see a world where the draft isn’t a necessity. I think alternative service should be easier to request and achieve, and noncombatant roles should be available to everyone who wants them (I am also ok with there being more benefits to

The unintended consequence of abolishing the draft (or relying a volunteer army as we do today) is that people become complacent about long-drawn out (or any) wars since most of our children are not involved. Political passion against the war in Vietnam was sparked by the draft.

That isn’t feasible. It is outrageously unlikely that we will never need it again. But in the event of global warfare, we must have a means of drafting our able-bodied to fight. I say this as the daughter of a conscientious objector who fought in court for his right not to go to war (he was the son of pastor, the

I teach 4th grade, and one of my kiddos asked if he could do sharing on Friday. He brought in his iPad and started to talk about his favorite singer who had recently died. He played “Let’s Dance” for the class and shared pictures that he found on the internet. It was the sweetest thing ever! Most of the class had no

Remakes weren’t just around in the silent era, they were far more common. Chances are good that, if you have a particular favorite film from the 1930s or 1940s, it was either remade later, or a remake itself. A successful movie might get remade multiple times in a single decade. There was never a point at which they