I really really want that Iron Fist show. But only if it prominently features Misty Knight, who is way more interesting than Danny. Or, you know, just give her a show all for herself.
I was actually really impressed with the way in which she moved. It really did feel too precise and intentional and very, very creepily artificial. Like the uncanny valley of human movement.
What’s that? It’s a Rubio sandwich?
You can hear her here! In a duet with Diego Luna! She has probably had more training and a better vocal coach since Book of Life, so it’s likely she’s even better now.
They’re both wonderful and very helpful to reptiles. Also I really like that Brookfield often seems to have toys for their animals in the enclosures. And then snakes always seem to have the required amount of privacy to keep them comfortable.
I went to the Pittsburgh zoo a few years ago and they had like the saddest reptile house. Most of the snakes were in completely empty containers. Snakes need to have the option to hide or they can get super stressed out which can actually compromise their physical well-being. I never thought I’d ever see any animals…
If you get a chance to watch it again sometime and think to come back here and give me your thoughts... I would appreciate the shit out of that.
I still kinda have mixed feelings just because of The Faculty. Because Stokely. Also because when the teachers became aliens they kind of became... sexier? And Piper Laurie didn’t get left out of that because of her age or size.
Somebody needs to acknowledge the greatness of this response.
This is a constant frustration to me, too. And I feel like science fiction has similar problems - especially when it comes to race.
Thanks! And right now I need some Becca time. My last day off was like nine days ago.
Every time I see one of your comments I get excited. At first because “zomg cute snake” then I realize it is you and you are interesting.
Do you like rats? I’m gonna be really morbid and tell you they live for like three years tops so the commitment is much smaller in exchange for the sooner intense sadness of losing a pet. Also they have cute personalities and do cute things.
I’m hoping he means “gay” in the sense that she could be into men but it doesn’t matter because she is so committed to Gabriel? That last quote really was gross to me, too, though. And it kinda debunks that interpretation.
Xena is a total badass and tough gal, but she’s still pretty feminine. I dunno if I’d describe her as “butch.”
Hey he was pretty good in Inside Llewyn Davis. Definitely one of the least hateable characters. I can’t really offer an opinion on anything else he’s done, though.
The Grimm brothers had a surprising amount of solid lady protagonists. The heroine of Fitcher’s Bird always comes to mind.
That is absolutely understandable. Hell, it’s not just understandable. It’s admirable. I really appreciate your efforts in speaking out about such a personal and important thing.