This is late, but have you seen The Importance of Being Earnest? She was such a delight as Cecily.
This is late, but have you seen The Importance of Being Earnest? She was such a delight as Cecily.
I’m reading through all the old BCO and obviously you made this comment some time ago. I just wanted to tell you how much I want the word “qcumber” to be in one of the specials at my work so I can write it on the specials board in its way cooler spelling.
I’d love it if you could make the other ones more like you! Like reasonable human beings who are at least consistent!
Oh good I thought I was the only one who found him really sexy.
I’m also a horror fan, so now I’m curious about that.
I love her sexiness, I’m glad you mentioned it. She’s sexy and she’s sexual but she’s usually not sexualized.
Paul Dini is just the best for creating Montoya and making her such a prominent figure in the Batverse. Also, just because I think it’s silly, but when I was a kid and people would talk about my (Mexican-American, former body builder) dad as a young man, I always pictured him as Bane. In the mask, too.
That should have been the Evil Dead update that happened a few years ago. I never would have thought of it myself, but Gabourey Sidibe as Ashley Williams.
I just want to make sure you know about this musical. Not because it fulfills your point (it doesn’t) but because it’s just so refreshing.
I love you. Please marry my snake and be my snake daughter in law. He’s really cute, too, so everyone wins.
I imagine lots of people who go on those shows and are actually in the right think it will be fun but it turns out embarrassing. I am so sorry to your friend.
That’s fucked up. Why are there so many stories about reality shows advising women to act a certain way or do certain things then penalizing them for following that direction? I just lost some enjoyment of Judge Mathis. I’m gonna have to go Judge Judy all the way now. I mean, even saying benefit of the doubt Mathis…
I love this story. And not just because I like to think you are, in reality, the snake in your picture.
No Judge Mathis? My dad loves that guy.
I just want you to know that I back you up on this a million percent. As a half Mexican kid, I find it difficult to get people to understand how much Renee Montoya and Bane meant to me on Batman the Animated Series.
Thanks! I will definitely. I will definitely give those a listen. And tell me what you think of Lore and The Black Tapes if you give them a listen.
Oh it’s great. Really creepy. I like to listen to it on my hour long drive home from work at night. The actors are great and it’s very well-written. Your mileage may vary, though, depending on your plausibility limits I guess. Personally, I still love The Exorcist and find it super creepy despite absolutely not…
Black Tapes Podcast had a pretty good episode about Ouija. It’s fiction, but they did a great job with a premise that usually does nothing for me.