Ahhh that’s awesome!
Ahhh that’s awesome!
I remember my dad telling me that it was because of equal time, so maybe it was during elections but not while he actually held office?
I thought if there was anyone I could readily find to remember some arcane piece of pop culture it would be you:
Working at a costume store meant throwing something together after altering everyone else’s. My closet seems a little different since I wound up as Frida Kahlo. Which was awesome, but I don’t think anyone knew who I was. They seemed to just get distracted by the eyebrow.
Man I was about to offer to go with you and do your alterations if you were in Chicagoland. I wouldn’t be very aunt-ish, but I am really enthusiastic about dresses. And I’m a professional seamstress. Older cousin, maybe?
Your dad sounds great also! And I love any opportunity to tell stories about my dad because he is a unique and interesting person.
My dad once gave me a heads up that my striped underpants were visible through my new light-colored skirt. That’s the closest he ever got to anything like this. He was all guilty about it, too. Like he wanted to make sure I knew but he didn’t want to embarrass me if I already knew or something.
“Jesus was here. Steven Green is a loser.”
It just seems like guys my age go in with certain preconceptions, whether or not they are willing to alter those.
I’m 26 and most of the guys my age who I have had sex with have skewed views of sex that seems like it comes from watching hardcore porn before ever going anywhere near actual sex. Or were guys always into having people gag on their dicks?
Both of these sound awesome. Especially the second one. Aztec legend is so underutilized. Most people only know maybe Quetzlcoatl if anything. And human sacrifice. Their underworld was so cool. Also my grandpa said we are Mexican Indian, so I always assumed we were Aztec because location.
I’m glad I’m not alone in hating Pretty Woman. That movie just skeeves me out so much.
I have not even heard of any of these. Currently a friend loaned me a YA book called House of the Scorpion that I am liking (it’s science fiction and the protagonist is Mexican and I always love that because there aren’t enough Latin@s in science fiction). Once that’s done (and I think it’s a trilogy) there was a Dan…
I can get behind that.
Tell me how it is! I was a little hesitant about it.
I’m glad you answered this. It confirms that we have similar tastes, which I have previously suspected. I am clearly your close friend who you don’t know even exists.
In my presumably Hulk-like rage, I didn’t read all the way to that clarification you had a bit earlier. Sorry about jumping the gun.
I’m half Mexican and half white and I have an inclination toward Latin@s.
Do Texans know that the only reason Texas became a state was because of illegal immigration of US Americans into Texas (when it was part of Mexico)?
They could at least put Hamilton on the $20 when it comes up. Because Hamilton is awesome and Jackson is fucking terrible.