
So I don’t care for Harriet Beecher Stowe, but she would be an example of an author who would count? Not saying it should be her, she was just the first to come to mind.

Also Hamilton and his wife did good things for orphans and orphanages. At a time when lots of orphans were sold as indentured servants. Hamilton was so boss.

Thank you so much for this article! Just last night someone asked what my dream job is. It’s to build costumes for Del Toro movies, so this is pretty coincidental.

Aliens will know!

Yeah I really don’t get what is with “Irish” Americans. They may have never met a person from Ireland, but they still think they are exactly like Irish people in Ireland? Weird.

I’m really sorry people have made you feel like you can’t use your given name. That’s total bullshit and is, sadly, apparently pretty common.

I get the feeling that many people would have more respect for an “Equation” than an “Equayshawn.” Personally, I think that second one is pretty bitchin.

I am now imagining my snake being a dad and saying this. Also I imagined a King Cobra dad saying it.

They at the very least look more awesome than normal awesome people. Also, I have a mental illness. So even not knowing the statistics, her helping people get the correct treatment instead of death makes her a goddamn big hero.

That is one beautiful portmanteau.

There should be a meme with an image of her and a list of her various accomplishments and says “not all Floridians.”

Starred for bringing Wells into it. What a badass. She doesn’t get anywhere near the credit and attention she deserves.

Please do this and show me pictures. I’m even more impressed by this parent and baby costume set than the chef costumes Amazon told me people are always buying when they buy their baby a lobster costume.

Wait do you mean Ben Stein was on The Man Show?

Sorry for the vanishing act. I had to save a wedding dress on short notice and also someone at my work quit existing so I have been working extra. I missed you! And also I should have said something much earlier.

The thing I thought of that hasn’t been suggested is Jet. It’s a shorter version and is very different from “Bridge” so that might help people remember not to call you Bridge.

You are amazingly thoughtful. It’s really lovely to see someone so concerned about the comfort of her fellow partygoers.

I mean, it’s in the Bible. That’s why Noah had to bring one male and one female of everything. It’s not like any animals have trouble mating when there is just one male and one female. Like rhinos, for example.

Don’t feel bad! She looks like she was just posed weird. So it’s not a “her” thing, it’s more like a “wtf Lifetime” thing.

Obviously the pre-comma part of each of those sentences is a complete falsity. Why don’t you tell the truth for once. I mean, if you live in Chicago you clearly never lived in New York City. And everyone knows pepperoni and sausage are mutually exclusive toppings. They are diametrically opposed.