Ohhhhh okay. Thanks for clearing that up.
Ohhhhh okay. Thanks for clearing that up.
Wait you’re supposed to bring gifts to bachelorette parties? Is that seriously a thing?
Thank you! You are wonderful and I already started getting nervous this morning. Maybe because yesterday a friend was telling me about a first date she recently went on. Apparently she was so nervous that it caused her to have diarrhea that morning (in a toilet in her own home). But I have work tomorrow and we have…
Kinja bugged and let me star that twice. If anyone deserved to benefit from such a thing, it is you.
I had a similar thought.
Yeah I earned that.
Well you know what they say...
Are you kidding? First, The Fly was a cinematic masterpiece. Both of them were. And Pittsburgh felt like he made that movie as one giant in-in-joke with me.
Sometimes it kind of seems like the writers saying “no homo.” Like, they want to indicate that they do not find this person attractive... but other people seem to for some reason. I really wish there was a neutral area between being slightly insulting and fawning over the person.
I will also fight about this. We all know Jeff Goldblum’s was truly the standout performance.
You are beautiful.
Thanks, though. It was fun and also educational.
Do those expire? And how long does that take if so?
I think that obviously it would be wrong to expose this without her say-so, but it would also be wrong to keep it quiet if she is willing to take the risks because she wants people to hold the perpetrator(s) and those implicit for the cover up responsible for their actions.
Sorry about the asshole thing, I didn’t mean you were an asshole. It was more that hypothetical straw-atheist made out of every asshole thing every known atheist has ever done ever. I just don’t want you to think that I think you’re an asshole because I didn’t mean that you were, and my opinion of you probably doesn’t…
Well you did take her to task for the following:
But that’s basically how Ladyology described the liberal Christian relationship to the Bible. Also, lots of people believe in the Trojan War described in The Illiad, which is just as shakily supported as the existence of an actual guy who was the basis for Jesus.
I really like Homer. I value The Illiad and The Odyssey as being of historical significance despite not being completely factual, and I especially admire Odysseus for his cleverness and view him as sometimes being a great role model and other times being a huge asshole.
I need to use these. And I have also heard that about American Indians. It does feel kind of weird typing that now that you mention it. Also, I bet you have the sassiest remarks for white people who try to correct you to say “Native Americans.”