
I recently started up with a new sex friend. We were friends in college, but we lost touch (in part because each of us had to temporarily drop out because life happened). I remember having a not insignificant crush on him back then.

Tell her about a variety of beliefs and tell her that different people believe different things, and no-one knows for sure. Leave out the statistical likelihood of there being nothing there, and instead give her a buffet of options so she can find something she can believe (or not believe) that may give her some

That is atrocious. I can’t believe people would say you should give them to her. Also that she asked four times and refused to back down.

I know a lot of guys around my age (26) are really into that. I think partlyrics that might have something to do with the ease of access to porn and maybe watching it be for having actual sex. I remember thinking it was really weird the first time someone did that to me (especially since I can actually go to the base

You know what I find really interesting? My gay uncle is Also grossed out by a complete lack of body hair and says it is because it makes guys “look like girls” while my logic is the same as yours. I think that might be an interesting difference, but I’m not sure if that is how a significant number of gay men feel or

Misplaced modifiers strike again!

Thanks for the information! I think an almost complete lack of body hair is really creepy, so this sounds way more my thing.

Not only do I want the outfit, just seeing the gif reminds me of how much I want her beautiful hat.

That is the frakking cutest. It reminds me of how my friend describes rats’ responses to their names. I know he had some who would look up when he called any name and others who would actually run to someone who called them (but even then only for certain people). Cats: apparently they are just like rats.

Oh be honest. Who wouldn’t go for Swedish Chef? Also this show needs Max von Sydow. Not only is he Swedish, he was in the similarly themed Needful Things. Also he is awesome.

I read Clancy and immediately pictured this. Any resemblance?

My best friend makes a little huff noise to get my attention. It sucks when he has the sniffles and I am constantly stopping what I’m doing to look at him and expect him to say or do something important.

My parents made a terrible choice when they gave me a name that is alliterative with my sister’s as well as our last name. Fast forward like 12 years to when my mom got a pet pig whose name also started with that letter. I’m sure you can guess how many times she mixed up those names.

In my book this is completely okay and is the most courteous option.

Do people say this? What do they even mean by that? I don’t even understand.

I don’t even use that word and I use some weird and old-timey words. So that is saying something about that word.

First, you’re a nerd for having all that information right at hand. Second, I need to make your dog a sweater because lol cardigan. Also a little to-scale Sir Didymus so you can take pictures of her being ridden by him. Wait was his dog also a Corgi? Because I could see them doing that on purpose.

He’s great with people. Actually, my “little cousin” (he’s like 12, so not tiny) is getting a corn snake companion of his own in September. His sister had offered him a lizard and he was into that, but then I mentioned he might want a corn and he was super pumped when she offered him a corn because he “loves Izzy.” I

That is some hella cute art.

Yeah my Izzy owns me. He likes to play in my hair and stare right at me until I pick him up. Also he is perfect. What manner of animal companions have you?