
Scary? How are we even internet friends?

The movie is like painfully bad. Also they like race-swapped all the characters? I was excited for some great parts for young actors of color, but I was sorely disappointed.

A fully-grown, adult king cobra can be as large as 18.5 feet in length. How do you keep one in an apartment? Did the cobra have her own bedroom?

Oh but I forgive you for being here because I also cannot resist snakes.

Oh dang. I’m so disappointed in you. From what you said, I thought you’d be reading it in the bookstore parking lot about five minutes after the store opened. Not that I’ve done that. And I definitely haven’t done it with The Last Airbender comics. Nope.

I think the only viable case to advocate for a separation between the artist and the art is when the artist is just a jerk. I’m thinking like Andy Warhol or Harlan Ellison or Alfred Hitchcock. Although, if one of them did something horrible that I don’t know about, feel free to correct me. Anyway, as far as I know,

Fish sound even more susceptible to and affected by stress than snakes. And snake stress is serious business.

I admire that he refuted it. He really didn’t have to, but he refused to let Star Trek be manipulated into such a trite political symbol.

If he had said like self-made man I could see that. With the way Kirk was described as being in his Academy days.

I don’t know you, but now I really want to take you out for pancakes. Also I’m giving Shatner the benefit of the doubt that when he said “not political” he meant “not about US bipartisan politics.”

I’d say that’s more a difference in the initial intent of the person who desires the other. It’s also probably to do with the whole “kindness coins” connotation.I’m assuming your Otter friend is thinking of friendships where the option of sex and romance is abandoned in favor of the platonic relationship, which is

Regardless of whether or not your statement is accurate, the image you presented to me is hilarious (which distracted me from even the questions at hand). Do you win all arguments ever by disarming your opponent with absurd imaginings? If you haven’t tried that, you totally should.

Just remember that her music and her performances are desperate from her Mean Girlness. Twelve-year-old me had a similar moment when my Gammers told me the hot Hitchcock news from her day about what a scary jerk he was to work with. It might take you a little adjustment time, though.

At the very least, Yoko would say it interestingly.

Woah if you watched Korra you know Aang grew up to be pretty badass. Also he’d probably make a better president because diplomacy. Korra just wants to punch everything, which is awesome, but I don’t think it would help in modern U.S. politics. She’d gift right in with some early 19th century presidents if they could

First off, I think the very indescribable nature of trying to conceptualize such a thing adds to its surreal humor. Second, don’t feel bad you can’t keep those straight. I mean, it’s not like they teach that in health class. Amirite?

With the vagina’s internal nature, this is much harder to imagine than that detachable penis.

I had forgotten all about it (maybe on purpose), but your smackdown of Atticus reminded me of reading that book in Catholic high school English. I remember being so scared and disheartened by the way Atticus, purported hero of the book and personal hero of that English teacher, treated Mayella Ewell and dismissed

Well thanks for the follow and for being so informative!